What happens with Robbie and Mathew's multiple birth
I don't know how this ended up this way but it looks like I will be forced to clean up CC's mess. I will post an update when all the boxes arrive.
PS - There was no Power Ranger in the second box. :laugh:
Thanks for playing Howard! BTW, do you have numbers for your puts?
edit: I numbered them in the order you had them listed, let me know if this is right. Also, which power ranger did you take?
It's all outta my hands now.
Sorry I couldn't get the package out yesterday but my day job kept me on the phone until late. It wen't out first class this AM to Portchester.
DC: 03063030000161327834
Your item was delivered at 2:33 PM on February 7, 2008 in PORT CHESTER, NY 10573
Your item was delivered at 2:33 PM on February 7, 2008 in PORT CHESTER, NY 10573
You working or something lame like that Rob? :sign: