It looks to me your years of Schooling and College have finally paid off Martin.
Pass came in today, haven't gone through it yet but will try to tonight. Here are my proposed P/T's in order
27- PAM Principe
33 Tatuaje East Coast
81-Anejo 49
82- Opus xXx
83-Tatuaje Cojonu 2003
84-Oliva serires V Lancero
85-'07 Outlaw release Pepin
LMK what you think about these and I'll turn this thing around.
OK Justin, here's the report...79 should be the Opus Lancero and 80 should be the Opus Robusto.
#'s 68 & 69 are both shot....major wrapper damage, other than that, everything else looks good. I added a Graycliff Chateau Gran Cru Presidente for the raffle bag also. The pass is packed and ready to go out first thing tomorrow morning. Thanks for having me in the pass Justin!
...onward to Mr. Wolf. Thanks again for having me Justin!
DC# 0307 0020 0001 89449878
...onward to Mr. Wolf. Thanks again for having me Justin!
DC# 0307 0020 0001 89449878
Thanks for playing Brian!
Dan, when you get this, could you pull out the two damaged sticks and dispose of them as you see fit please?
After a long day of getting pissed at the pub Dave came home to find a surprise! No it wasn't a massive black buttplug (that went to Matt R), it was the Chat Pass. Well Dave felt an urge overcome him and immediately started burning through the smokes one by one, unable to stop himself. As the tupperware from the pass approached empty he realized there was only one cure for his sick, sick obsession. He handed the remainder of his Casa Fuente to his trusty beedog and....................
...onward to Mr. Wolf. Thanks again for having me Justin!
DC# 0307 0020 0001 89449878
Thanks for playing Brian!
Dan, when you get this, could you pull out the two damaged sticks and dispose of them as you see fit please?