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The Blind Leading the Blind Pass

Pass did arrive today and everything looks good! Got the smokes changed out and this thing is ready to go!

Tom, you ready??
Pass did arrive today and everything looks good! Got the smokes changed out and this thing is ready to go!

Tom, you ready??

Heard from Tom and he's ready! Pass shipped this morning DC 0103 8555 7493 5713 3373. Nate, thanks again for letting me play bro!!

Side note - replaced that big 'ol box with a smaller one. :D Pic of Blind Leading Blind pass box (on left) with Need a Distraction pass box (on right).

Pass arived to day in great shape, inventory is complete and the beads look good.

My puts/Takes
84. 03 Sir Winston (DTF MAY 03)/ 62. BGM (POS DIC '06)
85. 07 Johnny-O! Lonsdale / 82. Partagas Shorts CKM OCT05
86. 03 SLR Lonsdale (GEP JUN 03)/ 63. Trinidad Coloniales (UUS MAY '05)
87. Tatuaje Zone de este / 75. Ashton VSG Illusion

PM sent to JFields will get this out as soon as I hear from him

Thanks for letting me play,
Now that was a quick turn around. P&T's were approved via PM several days ago, but I thought I'd put it here that they were. Thanks for joining in, Tom.
Pass arived to day in great shape, inventory is complete and the beads look good.

My puts/Takes
84. 03 Sir Winston (DTF MAY 03)/ 62. BGM (POS DIC '06)
85. 07 Johnny-O! Lonsdale / 82. Partagas Shorts CKM OCT05
86. 03 SLR Lonsdale (GEP JUN 03)/ 63. Trinidad Coloniales (UUS MAY '05)
87. Tatuaje Zone de este / 75. Ashton VSG Illusion

PM sent to JFields will get this out as soon as I hear from him

Thanks for letting me play,

You never roam alone

excellent puts/takes yard gnome :thumbs:
Sounds good! Hell, Tom. You could have just saved your money and handed it off :p ,
All right! It looks like the LFD FPII has damage to the foot and the Tatuaje Especial has such damage that it needs to be taken out of rotation.

T: #81 LGC MDO #2 2002 P: #88 Punch Black Prince 2001
T #4 Anejo 55 P #89 Ashton ESG Churchill
T #19 AF Hemi Signature Maddie P: #90 LFD Chisel Maduro

Let me know what you want me to do Nate, and I'll get her turned around. Thanks for asking me to play.
Uh, oh. Well, pull the Tat out and see if you cannot give it a proper burial on the pyre. If the LFD looks like it can be salvaged, then let it go and I'll put a note on the list. If not...burn it! P&T's are great, of course. I'll update everything and we'll get this headed to the next spot. Thanks, John for participating. There will be a new contest on Monday when I get back from Pittsburgh with some great sticks and a little something else, so don't run too far.
Uh, oh. Well, pull the Tat out and see if you cannot give it a proper burial on the pyre. If the LFD looks like it can be salvaged, then let it go and I'll put a note on the list. If not...burn it! P&T's are great, of course. I'll update everything and we'll get this headed to the next spot. Thanks, John for participating. There will be a new contest on Monday when I get back from Pittsburgh with some great sticks and a little something else, so don't run too far.

Whoops! I was waiting for you to respond to my PM Nate. Glad I checked in. :blush:

I'll close her up and get her out to CJ on Monday.

Thanks for asking me to join in brother.

Edit to add: Coming at ya CJ............DC#0307 1790 0002 3682 2400
Well, there was a bit of delay, but this thing is flying high again. Thanks again Mr. Fields for participating. As always it has been a pleasure.

So it is time for another contest. This one is for anyone who wishes to participate. The winner will recieve...

1-Padron 1926 # 6 Maduro
1-Illusione Classic F9 Lonsdale Natural
1-Opus X Scorpio (from set)
1-RyJ LE 2001 Robusto
1-Bottle of Four Roses Bourbon Yellow Label

That should be enough for you and three friends for the first game of 2008.

Now for the contest. Pick the first 10 players in this year's NFL draft in the order you think they will be taken. The person with the most correct answers (in no particular order) wins the contest. In case of a tie, the person with the correct order in which they are taken will break it. If there is still a tie we'll resort to picking numbers! One guess per person. The cutoff is 2:45pm EST Saturday, April 26, 2008. No exceptions.

Have fun and good luck.
In this order:
Jake Long
Desean Jackson
Matt Ryan
Limas Sweed
Chilo Rachal
Chris Johnson
Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie
Brian Brohm
Dan Conner
Reggie Smith
Thanks Nate! Sorry about forgetting to take the box with me on Monday. :blush: CJ, You should see the box today.

Jake Long
Glenn Dorsey
Matt Ryan
Vernon Gholston
Derrick Harvey
Sedrick Ellis
Chris Long
Darren Mcfadden
Leodis Mcfadden
Keith Rivers
Jake Long
Vernon Gholston
Glenn Dorsey
Branden Albert
Darren McFadden
Chris Long
Derrick Harvey
Sedrick Ellis
Matt Ryan
Leodis McKelvin

thats for the contest!
Wow Juan no McFadden or Dorsey??

1. Jake Long
2. Chris Long
3. Glen Dorsey
4. Darren McFadden
5. Sedrick Ellis
6. Matt Ryan
7. Vernon Gholston
8. Leodis McKelvin
9. Phillip Merling
10. Keith Rivers
Jake Long
Chris Long
Darren McFadden
Sedrick Ellis
Glenn Dorsey
Vernon Gholston
Branden Albert
Matt Ryan
Leodis McKelvin
Keith Rivers

Thanks for the contest Nate!
Very nice offering Nate! Here's my hopeful draft, with McFadden falling to my Jets!

1 Jake Long
2 Chris Long
3 Matt Ryan
4 Vernon Gholston
5 Glenn Dorsey
6 Darren McFadden
7 Keith Rivers
8 Leodis McKelvin
9 Sedrick Ellis
10 Derrick Harvey

Thanks Nate!
Thanks Nate

Jake Long
Vernon Gholston
Glenn Dorsey
Darren MCFadden
Brandon Albert
Chris Long
Derrick Harvey
Matt Ryan
Sedrick Ellis
Leodis MCKelvin
