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The Blacklist


One Leg Of Fury.
Apr 29, 2011
Anyone a fan? I just started watching it on Netflix -- like normal, I'm late to the party.

I just finished Season 1 (22 friggin' episodes!). I'm conflicted. It's good mindless entertainment with the long arc and the individual episodic arc, but I haven't gotten emotionally invested in it the way I have with several other shows. They are mostly all great actors and good characters, but it's just... I don't know. Something about it just doesn't pull me in. It's an unrealistic premise, for sure, but it's executed unrealistically, as well. It's not done well enough where I can suspend reality without even realizing it.

Anyone with any thoughts on the show? No spoilers beyond the first season, though, please.
I enjoy it. I'm pretty good at suspending disbelief, and I enjoy Spader's over the top character.
I really like it.
I laugh at the sounds the foley artists add to the striker fired pistols.

Spader is the only actor that could pull off Reddington.
My wife and I really enjoy. I'm not smart enough to analyze to the depth that you are.
Binge watching is a different experience. Nothing to invest in the story line or characters. Watching it in episode form, is what these shows are all about, the cliff hanger so to speak. Otherwise YMMV.
I watched a big chunk of the first season and then lost interest. I don't know what he's done with the character since, but there was a long stretch in there where Spader's, or the writers', idea of making him all ominous and creepy and evil was . . . talking about food. It never really quite reached the level of Hopkin's "fava beans and a nice Chianti," though, and just didn't work for me.

It's like House of Cards. I love Spacey as an actor, and I understand the metaphor behind his constant breaking of the fourth wall, but . . . breaking the fourth wall breaks the deal, for me.

Binge watching is a different experience. Nothing to invest in the story line or characters. Watching it in episode form, is what these shows are all about, the cliff hanger so to speak. Otherwise YMMV.

I have actually considered this. The Reddington character just gets a little old after a while, but I can see how having space between viewings would keep it fresh.
I really enjoy the show, my wife stopped watching because it got a little to gruesome in season 2 maybe??
That's actually one of the things I DO really like about it -- they aren't afraid of a little violence. They'll kill off innocent women and children just as easily as a Russian bad guy. That's the most realistic part of the show, I think. When bad things happen like this in real life, women, children, and doggies die, too. I don't particularly *like* that women and kids are dying, but it doesn't insult our intelligence the way many other shows do.
We started watching it and I don't recall why we stopped. We're going to give it another try, we'll see how it goes.
"You know, 29 years ago in Sierra Leone, there was a farmer named Samwel Zuma who had the audacity to identify several low-level Mombasa operatives to local authorities. The cartel massacred the entire family. All but the youngest son. He was sold to a local ring of flesh peddlers. The majority of children in those circumstances don't last more than nine months. He survived eight years. He was 14 when I found him. Too old, too tall, too angry and dangerous to be of any further value. He was left to die, chained to a standpipe in the basement of a squalid brothel in Nairobi. Branded, burned, barely alive. So I took him. Made him well, saw to his education. He graduated university with a bachelor's degree in English Literature. He speaks four languages fluently and can get by in a half a dozen more. He is splendid. His name is Dembe..."

Holy crap... Reddington has "said" a lot of things and given a lot of speeches. But, this... THIS gave me goosebumps.
I really like it.
I laugh at the sounds the foley artists add to the striker fired pistols.

Spader is the only actor that could pull off Reddington.

Holy Hell... I can't unsee/unhear this now every single time they draw down on someone.
We started watching "Ray Donovan" on Showtime. Pretty good watch; we're almost done with season 2. Same foley artist screw up every time someone draws a Glock......:eek:
We started watching "Ray Donovan" on Showtime. Pretty good watch; we're almost done with season 2. Same foley artist screw up every time someone draws a Glock......:eek:
Ray Donovan can get pretty intense. Jon Voight does a pretty good job, but I think most of the actors do really well.
Finished up Season 3 this morning. It's still a great show, and S3 really sucked me in. However, it's getting a bit predictable. They really need to shake things up in S4, which I hope is the last and they close it out the right way.
Spader has become an iconic television actor and The Blacklist is some of his finest work. I love the show. Great stuff. (I only caught the first three or four episodes of Ray Donovan. Loved it but just could not keep up with it).