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the "all my humidor (almost)" pass

Just got back from HazMat class, see you soon

Great news M3!! They're still sitting by the curb in the special Haz-Mat container in a nice plastic bag, heck I even put a moisture sponge in with them in order to prevent spontaneous combustion. :p

I'm so glad to get rid of those old, horrible cigars, I mean those things had to be at least thirty years old YUK talk about disgusting :D

Hey Jolly, when we getting this pass of the ground? 100 posts on this thread and it hasn't even started. :lookup:

I don't think anyone else is going to sign up and if you wait much longer, you may have people drop off......... ???
thejollyco said:
heh. s'okay vewy.

i understand... wimp :D

just kiddin.

Just for that, I want back IN... just so I can take your box and herf the whole damn thing. Wimp that, punk! :angry:

HA. :sign:

In all seriousness, NICE starting lineup. Very snobby. :)
He's probably all wraped up taking his final exams.

Hey jolly the only thing I remember about exams was if you don't know the answer to a multiple choice question, always answer "B" and "FALSE" for and true/false questions you don't know the answer to. :D

Of course jolly probably has way too many advanced classes where he has to design some exotoc experiment in 45 minutes so sorry, I'm no help there :D

I got "C's" in thos classes!
heh, so back in vewy?

let's find that list again a few pages back.

blah. okay, so i'll get the show on the road as soon as i get the little baggies. i think i'll put the sponge thingies that i have in my humidor for the humidification device.

yea, i have finals and stuff commin up. but that won't deter me :D, or will it ???
Unfortunately, no... not back in it. I was just saying that to spite you. :)

Defintely good luck with the pass. Looks like its gonna be a good one.
well vewy, wimp, er um... yeah.

did anyone read this:?
I'm gonna start a pass right before i leave for winter break.

heh. well, i have to pick up my box of thingies tomorrow beeause i wasn't home to pick up the box.. i'm pretty sure it's the ziplock thingies

i'll get a card board box ready today.

and type some of the stuff up
Well, guess who shipped this out via fedex yesterday?

0418684 00017823

3 day was really expensive for some reason. 30 some bucks. so i went with ground. 18 bucks. apparently it'll get there in 3 days anyways.
Hey Jolly,
Sorry this is late but I just came back to the site after a hiatus and I would like to join the fun if you will have me! I will send info.

heh. sorry. i dunno, if you want, i can ask bobby to add you in the correct place...?
thejollyco said:
heh. sorry. i dunno, if you want, i can ask bobby to add you in the correct place...?
YEEEESSSSSS! Can't wait. :D

Jolly Let me know where to put him.
Thanks to Jolly and Bobby for getting me in! Sounds like a great pass!!!
Lets Rock n roll. Just checked I'll have the box on the 11th I'll post asap
and shipit on the 12. :)

Got you covered Phatash. :)