Well I was going to just smoke the two ACIDS today, but once again I proved that with enough beer it is possible for a man to do anything...
The next biggest stick in the tin after the EOL, the ming is a jaw breaking ring size. Not sugar dipped.
Now I was thinking, with a name like MING it would be chock full of my favorite oriental spices, things like curry, coriander or saffron. But no. It tastes like Green Tea. No more no less. I like green tea and drink a lot of it every year, but I never thought I'd be smoking it. And its not a pleasant flavor to be inhaling.
Now a word regarding the ACID ash. All of the cigars have the loosest flakiest ash I've ever encountered. The type of ash that make you think "short filler" if your smoking a Cuban.
So when I reached the mid-point and this cigar had not changed taste one bit, I decided to grab the X-acto knife and cut it open.
Hmmm long filler, I was surprised to say the least. After cleaning the ashtray to make room I reached for the next victim.
Cold Tea Infusion
A long Churchill sized cigar with a silky yellow gold wrapper. Also sugar dipped unfortunately, since the cigar itself isn't too repulsive. Faint hints of Jasmin was the taste I received after I washed the sugar off.
This is were I decided to go for broke and finish all of the cigars left in the ACID tin, so I went and grabbed a cold German beer out of the fridge.
The CTI isn't a bad cigar, I rate it 2nd behind the ATOM Maduro in smokability.
Toast This is a Toro sized cigar sporting a dark brown wrapper. Sugar Dipped.
With a name like toast I had no idea what to expect... but what I received was burnt cherries. Not a nice taste. My beer drinking accelerated between puffs to get rid of the taste...
Continued in next post due to picture number restriction...
Acid 1 The cigar band says "Nicaragua, Japan and Africa" All I tasted was cess-pool.
This is a foul tasting piece of dung, so I popped another beer and got to smoking. If Tony could nub all those Moontrances well dammit so could I with these nasty mo-fos.
Blondie Little Petite Corona sized smoke with a pig-tail. Sugar dipped.
By now I had a good buzz going and the fact that the cigar tasted like my grandma's lilac room spray she used to use all the time when I was a kid, didn't phase me at all. Popped another dinkel beer and started inhaling.
OK in closing, the only ACID I'd be willing to smoke again is the Atom Maduro. The rest of the cigars, including the Cold Tea Infusion are all over priced trash and not worth the time or money.
I'd like to thank OpusXKC for sending me the tin. I hope I did you proud you bastige! And you owe me!!! :sign:
Now excuse me while I go rinse my mouth out with the rest of the case... and then pass out. I hope I can get drunk enough to forget the horror I put myself through today.