Tell me what cigar lighter to buy...

I've had no luck with lighters. I like matches.

I have been a Colibri lighter user till recently. Picked up a Blazer 207 and the rest don't even compare. Very nice flame and tons of fuel capacity. Only downside is that, I don't see the chain holding the cover lasting long.
FWIW, I've had some trouble with lighters in that it's sometimes tough to get them to refill fully. I've been looking online for resources, and it seems that I've been missing on the "bleed the tank" and "shake the bottle of butane" steps ... clearly I'm a retard, because I had no clue. Will see if that helps.
I'll add another vote for the Blazer. Imho I think the Blazer is an awesome looking lighter. And though I have not tried this (yet), supposedly you can sweat pipes with it - how cool is that?
If I could make my humble suggestion, go with a Ronson.

I have three Ronson lighters that I picked up from my local drug store for less than $3 a piece. These are refillable, adjustable, easy to use, hold a ton of fuel and I've never had a problem with them. They work just as well as the Colibri and Xikar lighters I have purchased, and I don't have to feel like a chump if I lose them or they disappear at an event.

I second that suggestion. I bought two for 2 dollars and some change each at wal-mart. They have a good flame, and you don't have to worry about losing them. Even if you own a nice lighter, i reccomend grabbing a Ronson to throw in the car/golf bag.
Wood matches they are the best!

Wood matches (the longer ones) are my favorite to lite a cigar with. I also love to use the left over cedar from boxes as well.

The St. Dupont Xtend has been the best lighter I've ever had. I had a little trouble with it, and still haven't fixed it, but it has never not fired up.

If I was looking for a cheap lighter, someone mentioned the Colibri Talon earlier. That was my favorite "cheap" lighter. :thumbs:

That gunmetal color is NICE!
I agree the Blazer system is best and here's why:

Great flame - I like single jets for there precision and versatility and this one is as intense as any.

No refill problems - this one is big! No bleeding, don't need quintuple refined. This can be frustrating in many lighters!!

Little maintenance - After a year of use it was starting to misfire and I cleaned the jet with a drop of nail cleaner on a Q-Tip and it's like new again.

The CG-001 even has a traditional case for those who don't like the chain and lid deal. The Zippo insert is OK but doesn't hold much fuel. I have the -208 and I'll never own another lighter.
I agree the Blazer system is best and here's why:

Great flame - I like single jets for there precision and versatility and this one is as intense as any.

No refill problems - this one is big! No bleeding, don't need quintuple refined. This can be frustrating in many lighters!!

Little maintenance - After a year of use it was starting to misfire and I cleaned the jet with a drop of nail cleaner on a Q-Tip and it's like new again.

The CG-001 even has a traditional case for those who don't like the chain and lid deal. The Zippo insert is OK but doesn't hold much fuel. I have the -208 and I'll never own another lighter.

Thanks Vortex. I never thought of cleaning the jet with anything. I just cleaned the jet of my Zippo Blu with a little alcohol and nail-polish remover and it seems to be working somewhat better. It's probably still not as reliable as I'd like and I'll most likely end up trying a Blazer due to the overwhelming support it has in this forum.
I had a really nice Colibri, triple jet, sucked fuel like a jet engine and I still feel bad because I lost it. Had a few other lighters that just weren't dependable and bought bright orange mini torch from Harbor Frieght Tools and it is the Nuts for a desktop lighter.

I go to Wally World and get eight ot ten Scripto's for $2 and when any of my buddys' fancy lighters quit on them, I give them a Scripto.

I have a litte Colibri that works pretty good but can't remember the name.
Another vote for the humble Rhonson. Less than 3 bucks and it lights every single time. I have about 5 of these stuck all over the place. Plus, if I lose it, who cares?