Tell me what cigar lighter to buy...


New Member
Nov 16, 2006
Awhile ago I purchased the new Zippo Blu for my cigars. It pains me to say that I'm not very satisfied with it. What is THE BEST cigar lighter for under $100? I've been looking at the Xikar Ellipse (which is no longer listed on Xikar's website for some reason) or Xikar Trezo. Anyone have any opinions on these or have any other suggestions? Please let me know. Thanks.
I have heard that the colibri extreme II is the best one, but I haven't tried it. Or the CG-001 from blazer products.
Try using search, there are a ton of threads on lighters. I pulled this one from just the other day, Link
I've gone through a Colibri, a Xikar dual torch, and finally bought a Blazer PB-207 and let me tell you none of those others compare to the Blazer. It holds a lot of fuel, the single torch burns super hot, and it's durable. Not to mention the Xikar flame would go out if you held it even close to horizontal, the Blazer will keep blazing even if it's upside down.

With that said I haven't purchased a lighter for more than $50, but I'd stack this Blazer up against a $100 any day.
Search works, but so does this Nibo Space Triple Flame lighter. It is by far the best value lighter I have owned AND the toughest. I've paid $16 to $10 for them.


edited for spelling
Blazer PB-207. My first one lasted 11 years before slowly losing flame intensity. It still sort of works, just doesn't burn as intensely. I'm now on my second and I expect to get another decade out of this as long as it is fed a diet of Vector quint-refined butane.

Awhile ago I purchased the new Zippo Blu for my cigars. It pains me to say that I'm not very satisfied with it. What is THE BEST cigar lighter for under $200? I've been looking at the Xikar Ellipse (which is no longer listed on Xikar's website for some reason) or Xikar Trezo. Anyone have any opinions on these or have any other suggestions? Please let me know. Thanks.
Another vote for the Blazer PB-207. Best lighter I've ever owned. Bar none.
I've had 3 blazers go bad, weird considering i use the proper fuel? I've had NO issues w/ the Colibri Talon, have 2, BEST lighter i've used, but then again, i'm a deep woods Southerner who eats grits and lights cigars w/ dynamite fuses, so what do i know
I've had 3 blazers go bad, weird considering i use the proper fuel? I've had NO issues w/ the Colibri Talon, have 2, BEST lighter i've used, but then again, i'm a deep woods Southerner who eats grits and lights cigars w/ dynamite fuses, so what do i know

:0 OMG! :0 OMG! :0

Gator's ALIVE!!! Glad to see you again, your sig cracks me up EVERYTIME!

I'm gonna cast my vote for best lighter, but it's already been mentions about 10 times now. Starts with a "P," ends with a "207." You do the math.
I have a colibri Oscar that I got on ebay for around $50 and it is awesome!! 2 punches, fluid window, great flame!
Another vote for the Blazer here. Works great, has a lock on it so that you dont have to hold down the button, also if you get the clear one you you'll never have to wonder how much fuel you have left.
If I could make my humble suggestion, go with a Ronson.

I have three Ronson lighters that I picked up from my local drug store for less than $3 a piece. These are refillable, adjustable, easy to use, hold a ton of fuel and I've never had a problem with them. They work just as well as the Colibri and Xikar lighters I have purchased, and I don't have to feel like a chump if I lose them or they disappear at an event.
X2 on the wood matches. I was gifted a little torch from another BOTL and it worked great on the golf course or in any windy conditions. Too bad I filled it with cheap butane and wore out the igniter. (lesson learned).

Everyone raves about the Blazer but I'm like you, how can you go wrong with a lifetime guaranty on a Xikar? Maybe one of each is the answer :laugh:

BTW: Is the Xikar Executive a windproof flame or torch?