Te-Amo Aniversario


Jul 29, 2001
Just smoked a Te-Amo Aniversario Pefrecto. My thoughts - in a nutshell - it sucked. Vintage 98, where was this stuff aged, in a cattle stall? I remember Te-Amo being an o.k smoke but this was just plain bad. It looked interesting enough but that's it. It burned very uneven, was too tight, and had very little flavor until about half way through when I tasted paper/cardboard flavors. It got way too hot with the chemical taste after that and I just let her die out.  Sorry I couldn't use a bunch of CA descriptions but I just can't taste like they do.Jay
Jay, sounds like you hit it right on the nose. I've tried several and they all sucked. Same chemical taste and a real bad burn in the back of my throat.
AAAAAHHHHHH Does this mean your not going to join me new Te-Amo"please take these sticks I just picked them up while I fallowed my dog in the back yard" pass for all my freinds at CP.:( I guess I'll just have to smok'm my self...... LOL If you haven't noticed I agree on the review, I think I've smelled farts that smelled better than the last Te-Amo I had. :biggrin:
#### this whole topic!!!! I had never had one of these so I grabbed one in the puros pass (I think it was that one). Anyway, it is in my hummi right now. It looks like it would be good, but now if I tried it I think I would be in the "I told you so" category. I will have to give this one away to a moochy friend. Hehe.
I've been thinking about this thread for the past few days and decided to finally put in my 2 cents worth. I have been reading all of the back issues of Cigar Aficionado, since my interest in cigars has been rekindled in a big way lately. I have paid special attention to the Te-Amo cigars in general, because of this thread. Their normal cigars are rated 83 in every issue - just like clockwork. I finally saw some of their recent production maduros listed from 81 to 85. The cigar that Puro Man picked out was an Aniversario, which means that it should be about as good as they can make it. My guess would be that it would be a full bodied smoke, and it may also be good!Everyone has different tastes, and Puro, this cigar brand may just hit your taste buds dead center. I DO pay attention to the ratings and to other people's opinions, suggestions, etc., but I NEVER rule out a cigar until "I" have tasted it. Some of the cigars that others have disparaged -- I have truly liked! If everyone liked the same thing, there would only be one brand of anything. Don't get discouraged about what a cigar is supposed to taste like...try it, you may like it! Heck, I am currently still in my "discovery phase" of cigar smoking and I try to smoke a few different brands everyday...several each week. Not all of them are great, some are just better than others. I haven't found any that I would complete pass on...except maybe those Te-Amo's...hey, just kidding....just kidding!!! :biggrin:
SAM  :biggrin:
Dang I hate to go against the grain...But I bought a box of these about a year ago and get this..they were good and not only did I like them but several of my friends thought theu were good also.IMHO I probally got a better than average box if there are this many neg. posts.and they wern't out of this world great .But I just thought I would pipe in with my two cents worth.
Seriously though I have had several freinds express there like for these smokes and I have tried a few they are just not for me. :cool: