Swiss rules?

Cigar Fan 29

PerfecDraw guy
Oct 2, 2016
I used to have a souce for CCs in New Zealand. Great little shop. The guy retired. So I had to searh for another. This was the end of 2013. I tried a company in Switzerland. Two shipments apart -- both seized. Received two letters.

Anyway, I ordered from another company in Switzerland, and when it came, I saw that "cigars" was written on the package paperwork declarations. I was surprised that it made it through US Customs. So I emailed the owner. He told me that the Swiss customs opens EVERY PACKAGE to inspect to make sure that all packages LEAVING Switzerland have correct declarations. He said that if they don't put "cigars", they get in trouble with the Swiss government.

Sounds fishy to me. But who knows? Anybody know about this? I've decided I want to start ordering CCs again.... from somewhere. And if that's the way they do it in Switzerland, I want to look elsewhere.

It wouldn't surprise me. Maybe they open every package from a vendor but I don't think they do form a private citizen. At least, I don't think mine have been searched. My SS kids would know if they had been searched or not. What I will believe is that they fine the crap out of the vendor if he is caught mislabeling, that seems to be the Swiss way. As an example, the public transport is a self control area with random checks to see fi you have a ticket or not. If you are caught is a 100 CHF fine, regardless of how far you were going, plus you have to buy the ticket as well. So if you skipped out on a 4 CHF ticket you then pay 104 CHF. I have never been checked when crossing the border from Germany and am always under my limit, but I've heard the fine for not declaring if you are over the limit are quite steep.
It wouldn't surprise me. Maybe they open every package from a vendor but I don't think they do form a private citizen. At least, I don't think mine have been searched. My SS kids would know if they had been searched or not. What I will believe is that they fine the crap out of the vendor if he is caught mislabeling, that seems to be the Swiss way. As an example, the public transport is a self control area with random checks to see fi you have a ticket or not. If you are caught is a 100 CHF fine, regardless of how far you were going, plus you have to buy the ticket as well. So if you skipped out on a 4 CHF ticket you then pay 104 CHF. I have never been checked when crossing the border from Germany and am always under my limit, but I've heard the fine for not declaring if you are over the limit are quite steep.

Thanks for that info!

On another cigar forum, I just read where someone said that the government is no longer sending out the same letters that I got when my two different shipments were siezed at the very beginning of 2014. Letters came about 4 months later. This fella on the other forum said that now it's just a "standard" letter saying that they are holding your merchandise, and if you want it, you have to contact them.
But he's the only person I've ever heard this from. Anybody know if things have changed in this respect since 2014?


From. August 23 2003:

WascalCaptive of the Dark Side
"I have noticed a trend here that probably needs discusing. We all need to remember that Cuban cigars are illegal in this country. We can all talk about having this or that cuban cigar on the board and that's fine. I for one think that all talk about sources, shipping methods, or what ever else is involved in the obtaining of cubans should be done by PM or email. Customs is aware that cuban cigars are coming into this country. They confiscate many boxes everyday. They aren't aware of all the different methods that are used, but will be if it's discussed openly. Many a good source has been lost because of this. If Don Smith is getting cubans into the country in pokadot boxes labeled peppermint sticks that's great, but if too many people learn of it or post about the pokadot box they got in the mail that source will dry up. Let's all use our heads, use private means to talk about sources. "

Please use the search function, this topic has been discussed. Cuban goods are still illegal until the embargo is lifted or import laws modified.

At this point, you're still breaking the law and need to a) trust your source and b) be prepared for any negative consequences.