Super Bowl Squares 2022 Grid#1 FULL

Ok Boxes were ordered at the beginning of the week. I got 1 Shipping notice so far. Ill keep both pools updated when I get more notices.
Prizes will be the same in both pools do to the limited selection of CC's out there and the high prices we are seeing right now.

So this is what we have for $1000 Pot
First Quarter: 25 ct San Cristobal De La Habana - El Principe
Half Time: 25 ct Juan Lopez - Seleccion No.1
Third Quarter:25 ct Montecristo - No.5
Final Score: 25 ct H.Upmann - Magnum 46

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Aria was very happy to write all the number cards and then the her and Dawson threw them in the air before each set of numbers were picked. They rotated picking numbers off the floor and bringing them to me. I’d say that was random…

Good luck!