Is your PP under Michelle Combs?Funds sent this morning. I'm in for the shipping cost sharing, as I plan to win nothing. If the game was over and I knew the final score, I'd still pick the wrong flipping' numbers.
Thanks for your hard work and for allowing me to enter.
Floyd T
NoIs this full or no?
Do it!!Is this full or no?
I'll help you fools out again, I guess. Shit, put me down for another go. Ugh.
ill take one
@bfreebern why would you be paying me for leggings that you made for me???
PP note:
“Your Patriot's leggings are done and look incredible. Belichicks face, is in that special spot where you requested. TB12 is also the main theme, with a little Cam Newton thrown in as well. I hope you get lucky in these leggings, they're my best work so far.”
Is your PP under Michelle Combs?
Is your PP under Michelle Combs?
Damn, ya got me! That's really why I'm always in Tulsa, Downtown! Amateur stripper pole dancer night at the "Swinging' Dick Saloon"!It's Floyd's weekend, performer alter ego.
Damn, ya got me! That's really why I'm always in Tulsa, Downtown! Amateur stripper pole dancer night at the "Swinging' Dick Saloon"! T
That is a bold strategy Cotton!!! But why the random 5???