Stuff I'm working on

I'd post my latest humidor but that's not allowed. So here's a turning Imade for my dad for Christmas and another one I did for a recent contest. (camen in 7th place nation wide)




I did this one for a great friend. He actually makes the tools I use to turn these.


One upmanship at it's finest!!! hahahahah Just kidding. These are wonderful
Gotta love the 5.7 that Chevy came out with. I finished doing that to my 99 Denali a couple months ago, the PO had mixed the orange and green coolant and basically turned the coolant into an acidic sludge. I had to get the intake manifold hot tanked and surfaced, then had a flush a huge amount of water through the block to get all the crap out. It was a major PIA to do, but saved my a boat load of cash!

Did you need to get the manifold surfaced, or were you lucky enough to just blow the gasket?

ETA - I spent the day in the garage replacing the wheel bearings, rotors, pads, brake bleeding, oil change, and general checkup on my 98 S-10. Tomorrow I plan on cleaning the garage out and maybe washing the cars.
This is the first major issue I've had with mine since I got it in '02 (love the 5.7). I didn't have to get it surfaced. I noticed a gradually increasing leak of coolant under the truck; backtracked it to the front of the intake. I didn't have any signs in the radiator or in the oil (yet) so it must've been recent that it failed. So far, it seems to have done the trick. :thumbs:

Been re-doing my stereo install all weekend. I like my music loud... :D
Gotta love the 5.7 that Chevy came out with. I finished doing that to my 99 Denali a couple months ago, the PO had mixed the orange and green coolant and basically turned the coolant into an acidic sludge. I had to get the intake manifold hot tanked and surfaced, then had a flush a huge amount of water through the block to get all the crap out. It was a major PIA to do, but saved my a boat load of cash!

Did you need to get the manifold surfaced, or were you lucky enough to just blow the gasket?

ETA - I spent the day in the garage replacing the wheel bearings, rotors, pads, brake bleeding, oil change, and general checkup on my 98 S-10. Tomorrow I plan on cleaning the garage out and maybe washing the cars.
This is the first major issue I've had with mine since I got it in '02 (love the 5.7). I didn't have to get it surfaced. I noticed a gradually increasing leak of coolant under the truck; backtracked it to the front of the intake. I didn't have any signs in the radiator or in the oil (yet) so it must've been recent that it failed. So far, it seems to have done the trick. :thumbs:

Been re-doing my stereo install all weekend. I like my music loud... :D

From the pic you posted, it looks like you wouldn't have to worry about getting coolant/oil contamination. That is almost exactly where mine blew also, it's a very common place for the 5.7 to blow. I drove around with mine for about a month because I couldn't afford to have both vehicles down at the same time. I just made sure I always had 3 gallons of water in the Denali, for when the coolant got low. Towards the end I was running just plain water, not really an issue in Cali during the summer.

I need to finish the stereo install in the Denali also, I kinda ghetto rigged it since I was under a time crunch to get the install done the first time.
Gotta love the 5.7 that Chevy came out with. I finished doing that to my 99 Denali a couple months ago, the PO had mixed the orange and green coolant and basically turned the coolant into an acidic sludge. I had to get the intake manifold hot tanked and surfaced, then had a flush a huge amount of water through the block to get all the crap out. It was a major PIA to do, but saved my a boat load of cash!

Did you need to get the manifold surfaced, or were you lucky enough to just blow the gasket?

ETA - I spent the day in the garage replacing the wheel bearings, rotors, pads, brake bleeding, oil change, and general checkup on my 98 S-10. Tomorrow I plan on cleaning the garage out and maybe washing the cars.
This is the first major issue I've had with mine since I got it in '02 (love the 5.7). I didn't have to get it surfaced. I noticed a gradually increasing leak of coolant under the truck; backtracked it to the front of the intake. I didn't have any signs in the radiator or in the oil (yet) so it must've been recent that it failed. So far, it seems to have done the trick. :thumbs:

Been re-doing my stereo install all weekend. I like my music loud... :D

From the pic you posted, it looks like you wouldn't have to worry about getting coolant/oil contamination. That is almost exactly where mine blew also, it's a very common place for the 5.7 to blow. I drove around with mine for about a month because I couldn't afford to have both vehicles down at the same time. I just made sure I always had 3 gallons of water in the Denali, for when the coolant got low. Towards the end I was running just plain water, not really an issue in Cali during the summer.

I need to finish the stereo install in the Denali also, I kinda ghetto rigged it since I was under a time crunch to get the install done the first time.

Let me know if you need help with the stereo. I've been installer of th year 7 times. I own Audio 2000, car audio is what I've done for a living for 25 years.
Thanks very much. In the wood turning world, segmented turning isn't as widely accepted as natural turnings. The people that came in ahead of me were definitely deserving though. They are incredibly talented. Might have also been due to my crappy photography. I'm working on that though.

Take the picture thing seriously. As a fairly successful Artist, I can agree that it plays a major part in photo based contests.

Segmented turnings don't typically turn me on due to the craftsman not really understanding the principles of design from the Art perspective.
Rhythm and eye movement being a major area of concern. Much more difficult to capture, AND KEEP, ones attention on the piece.
You dont want them reading the piece like a book,top to bottom, left to right, and then off the piece. You want to keep them exploring the piece.
This is why natural formations in the wood, which also occur at golden section ratios, are much more appealing. This is especially true with Judges who are somewhat knowledgeable.
Matt - table looks great. That's my next project as well, but I'm building something like this:

I'd post my latest humidor but that's not allowed. So here's a turning Imade for my dad for Christmas and another one I did for a recent contest. (camen in 7th place nation wide)




I did this one for a great friend. He actually makes the tools I use to turn these.


Those are awesome!!
Since the completion of the pink pedal plane, we've moved on to a full size project. 

It's a Van's RV-8 that I'm building with the occasional assistance of the wife and a friend.  It will be about 2,000 hrs to complete, and so far I've completed the tail.
^ Wow. Im really impressed that you have enough confidence in yourself to build that. The tail section appears flawless. I will be looking forward to future pics of the progress. Nice work...
Set-In-Stone said:
^ Wow. Im really impressed that you have enough confidence in yourself to build that. The tail section appears flawless. I will be looking forward to future pics of the progress. Nice work...
Yeah, it's not every day someone decides to build their own plane!  Seriously, that is very impressive!  Gota share some more pics of the build process.
I was going to post some of my woodworking projects, but they all look like crap compared to most of what I see here!!
I working on having kids! Shoudl I post a tutorial video ? lol 
(some real nice thing you made there guys, the woodwork is wow and the plane is unbelievable!)