I assumed he waxedHuh. I always figured you for a Nair kind of guy.
What's everyone's favorite shaving soap? Anything I should look into?
I used soaps for years; changed to creams a few years ago. Have no desire to go back. Straight razor users tend to prefer soaps. DE users creams. It's a whole lot easier building a lather with creams. Try both, see what you llike.Another question, I know I'm inquisitive. Do you fellas prefer soaps or creams?
I used soaps for years; changed to creams a few years ago. Have no desire to go back. Straight razor users tend to prefer soaps. DE users creams. It's a whole lot easier building a lather with creams. Try both, see what you llike.Another question, I know I'm inquisitive. Do you fellas prefer soaps or creams?
Watch the Mantic59 videos on youtube. They'll answer every question you have. http://www.youtube.c...8JNRgLG1T1FVXhg
It's probably because I'm really fancy about shaving but I shave under the shower every morning (yep no mirrors!) with my old gillet sensor rasor and some regular soap... You guys make this way too complicated ! lol
I used soaps for years; changed to creams a few years ago. Have no desire to go back. Straight razor users tend to prefer soaps. DE users creams. It's a whole lot easier building a lather with creams. Try both, see what you llike.Another question, I know I'm inquisitive. Do you fellas prefer soaps or creams?
Watch the Mantic59 videos on youtube. They'll answer every question you have. http://www.youtube.c...8JNRgLG1T1FVXhg
Thank you Doc, I'm almost out of my current soap, I'll get a good quality cream and give it a try this next time. I've watched Mantic's videos religiously. I can almost always find one of his videos to answer my questions.
Sure sounds like plenty of backing on the Trumper's. I appreciate the time gents.