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Straight razors and DE razors?

Great info Boar, thanks brother, good to see you again.
I just got into DE shaving, best shaves ever. Nothing quite like the feeling of brush lathering, not to mention what a great sound it makes. In the age of cartridge razors, DE razors are still superior in every way.
Huh. I always figured you for a Nair kind of guy.

What's everyone's favorite shaving soap? Anything I should look into?
Trumper's Rose, and I'm not kidding. It doesn't smell like you'd think. Actually anything by Trumpers is good.

What's everyone's favorite shaving soap? Anything I should look into?

Based on the recommendations here, I went with creams. My far and away favorite is Truefitt & Hill Grafton, but also in my rotation I have Taylor's Avocado, Taylor's Almond, T&H West Indian Limes, Trumper's GFT and Trumper's Rose. Trumpers and T&H offer sampler packs which I highly recommend.

And for blades, give Feathers a shot if you haven't already. I purchased a sampler pack early on, but found they were the best for me; I don't use anything else now.
I've also find that I, and more so, my skin, prefer creams over soaps. I definitely second Trumpers and Truefitt and Hill samplers. Also, don't overlook the cheaper classic Proraso.
Another question, I know I'm inquisitive. Do you fellas prefer soaps or creams?

I use a cream (Baxter of California Super Close Shave) myself, mainly because I don't use a badger brush, so I'm not building any lather. I love the stuff, and I can't imagine switching to something else or shaving in a different manner. Really nice shave with my Merkur and Derby blades, no irritation, and relatively inexpensive...$16 for 8oz. jar...but a little goes a long way. I use quite a few of their products.

To me a cream, at least the way I use it, is a good in-between style from Mach 3 fast shaving and the Soap, Mug, straight razor, take forever style of shaving.
Thanks for the input sir. I'm using the soap and mug style, and have never used creams. I'm shaving with a 1970 Gillette Super Speed using feather blades. I do almost feel like I'm wasting a bit of the soap each time I clean up after my shave. Soap appears to be cheaper, but I'm all for having the best experience over the cheapest, to a extent that is.
Another question, I know I'm inquisitive. Do you fellas prefer soaps or creams?

I used soaps for years; changed to creams a few years ago. Have no desire to go back. Straight razor users tend to prefer soaps. DE users creams. It's a whole lot easier building a lather with creams. Try both, see what you llike.
Watch the Mantic59 videos on youtube. They'll answer every question you have. http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUH95TR4r8JNRgLG1T1FVXhg

Excellent reference to Mantic's vids. As a DE user, I find that not only do I get a much better lather from creams, but much less irritation as well. The second point is very important to me as my beard hair grows in several different directions on my throat.
Another question, I know I'm inquisitive. Do you fellas prefer soaps or creams?

I used soaps for years; changed to creams a few years ago. Have no desire to go back. Straight razor users tend to prefer soaps. DE users creams. It's a whole lot easier building a lather with creams. Try both, see what you llike.
Watch the Mantic59 videos on youtube. They'll answer every question you have. http://www.youtube.c...8JNRgLG1T1FVXhg


Thank you Doc, I'm almost out of my current soap, I'll get a good quality cream and give it a try this next time. I've watched Mantic's videos religiously. I can almost always find one of his videos to answer my questions.

Sure sounds like plenty of backing on the Trumper's. I appreciate the time gents.
It's probably because I'm really fancy about shaving but I shave under the shower every morning (yep no mirrors!) with my old gillet sensor rasor and some regular soap... You guys make this way too complicated ! lol
It's probably because I'm really fancy about shaving but I shave under the shower every morning (yep no mirrors!) with my old gillet sensor rasor and some regular soap... You guys make this way too complicated ! lol

I hear yea! However I like going to a barber shop every now and then to get a nice cut and shave.
Another question, I know I'm inquisitive. Do you fellas prefer soaps or creams?

I used soaps for years; changed to creams a few years ago. Have no desire to go back. Straight razor users tend to prefer soaps. DE users creams. It's a whole lot easier building a lather with creams. Try both, see what you llike.
Watch the Mantic59 videos on youtube. They'll answer every question you have. http://www.youtube.c...8JNRgLG1T1FVXhg


Thank you Doc, I'm almost out of my current soap, I'll get a good quality cream and give it a try this next time. I've watched Mantic's videos religiously. I can almost always find one of his videos to answer my questions.

Sure sounds like plenty of backing on the Trumper's. I appreciate the time gents.

Watching some of those videos on YouTube and this add pops up! great commercial I watched it twice and I am still laughing...LOL

I use straight razor for almost a year now. I tried a few soaps and creams until now, the best (for me), and the only one i use, is Martin de Candre unscented. It's a great soap.