First 3 look fine to me, last 1 is a little marginal because of the age difference and vintage difference (pre-hybrid/blend change vs. the dark years). Interested to hear the thoughts of others on that though.
To expand on that comment for anyone that doesn't know what I meant (you know, as a lesson

) 1995/1996 there was a widespread blend change across many HSA marcas, correlating to the introduction of hybrid wrapper and shift away from pure corojo in an attempt to curb blue mold. That coupled with the cigar boom of the time period where production quotas for HSA were massively increased with zero increase in actual yields resulted in a perfect storm for 1999-2001 production cigars. To meet demand inexperienced rollers were brought in to ramp up production while leveraging often inferior crops to increase material supply, which resulted in an abnormally large percentage of the HSA cigars from that era having construction issues and being effectively dowels. Of course, there are/were many good cigars from those years but I am guessing anyone that was around for the firesales on those vintages will have stories to the contrary.