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Starting a liquor pass


Shut up baby I know it!
Sep 25, 2014
I was wondering if anyone has ever tried doing a liquor pass.  Concept would be the same as a cigar pass but instead contain sample bottles of different spirits that people could P/T from.  If it hasn't been tried, what would the interest be in doing one?
I'd be interested....but this would be fairly difficult I would think. I don't know anything about buying empty sample bottles and matching price/ rarity might be difficult. 
however it may or may not play out....I'm in.
Yes some details would need to be worked out such as setting a fair trade standard.  
I guess not a whole lot of interest at the moment, but just some of my thoughts from the last couple days.  
First off, a booze pass can be done as a stand alone pass with or without cigars.  For the samples, boston rounds in either 2 or 4 oz sizes could be used.  They are inexpensive at only about $1 a piece through amazon.com as well as a few other websites.  For the shipping I was thinking of using foam blocks or sheets cut to the size of the shipping box.  Spaces could then be carved out in the shape of the sample bottles.
As for the format of the pass, I think that separating them by spirit type might be the best route.  For my purposes, I was thinking a whiskey pass with several different sections would work.  Section 1 could be Bourbon, 2 could be Rye, 3 could be scotch, and the 4th could be marked as other(corn, wheat, malt, Irish, Canadian, etc.).  Other ideas could also work such as a scotch only pass with each section representing a different region of Scotland.  An all inclusive pass that has a different section for each spirit type(whiskey, rum, brandy, tequila) could also work.  A pass could have 4-5 sections with 10-12 samples per section giving a decent selection of spirits.
As pointed out by Jake, figuring out a fair trade system would be a bit difficult given some of the rare or hard to find spirits, but I would think setting some ground rules could be worked out along with communicating all P/T as they occur.
I would think that adding a sampler to a cigar pass would also work well.  Say a 10 bottle sampler that everyone did a trade with along with the regular cigar trades.
Any other thoughts are welcome.
Can use the heat shrink clear bands as well to sustain in shipping. 
I think a "post your inventory you are willing to trade samples of and make deals would be a solid option...2oz. pours arent going to be a huge price differential regardless of the bottle....no pappy for jim beam and you're good...
BigJake6904 said:
Can use the heat shrink clear bands as well to sustain in shipping. 
I think a "post your inventory you are willing to trade samples of and make deals would be a solid option...2oz. pours arent going to be a huge price differential regardless of the bottle....no pappy for jim beam and you're good...
That would probably be the best option as of right now. I will contact Rod and get his ok with this plan and then start looking at getting some supplies together. One idea is to use a small cigar box with foam inserts to use as a sample box that can be sent back and forth. I would think it would be safer then just using bubble wrap on each bottle.
I would give it a try if the details are worked out.
The one thing to keep in mind would be the shipping cost of this pass.   That much alcohol could add up to a pretty high shipping price for each participant.   I know the cost of shipping a cigar pass is pretty high just based on the size of the box, and it's a lot lighter weight than a pass full of alcohol.
I did a pass with liquor in it but not multiple different bottles.  Search out the Surprise Pass if you want to check it out.
Bsneed51 said:
The one thing to keep in mind would be the shipping cost of this pass.   That much alcohol could add up to a pretty high shipping price for each participant.   I know the cost of shipping a cigar pass is pretty high just based on the size of the box, and it's a lot lighter weight than a pass full of alcohol.
That is very true and I do need to still look into that.

AVB said:
I did a pass with liquor in it but not multiple different bottles.  Search out the Surprise Pass if you want to check it out.
I will look into it.

ETA: By the way Rod, your pm is broken.
They are cheaper then Amazon but the shipping to Hawaii costs almost as much as the bottles themselves. Would work for the mainland folk though.
Have been looking around for some things and I did find a side loading foam coffin for 4oz boston rounds.  By my calculations you should be able to fit 4 into a large flat rate box.
I was hoping to find something for the 2oz size but it looks like I will have to make it.  I will try to get blocks of foam from the crafty store and make something with that.
So I came across this and thought this would be a good idea to use in trades.  It would fit into the cigar divider bags and a small flat rate box.  $10 is a bit spend though, so if anyone finds something cheaper let me know.  Both parties wouldn't have to buy them, the first person sends them out and the second recycles them back.
Been looking at using glass bottles but haven't found a shipping package I have been satisfied with.  Still looking though.