Starting a Coolerdor


New Member
Mar 28, 2004
Since I just found a new 28 quart cooler my humidor is going to be a little larger than planned.

This cooler has been in my garage for about 2 years but never used. Should I clean it with anything or just wipe it out with water?

I was just looking at the climmax premier regular humidifier. Will this be too much for a 28 quart cooler?

Is there any advantage to attaching it to the lid?

Thanks for any help with these questions.
Ike said:
Since I just found a new 28 quart cooler my humidor is going to be a little larger than planned.

This cooler has been in my garage for about 2 years but never used. Should I clean it with anything or just wipe it out with water?

I was just looking at the climmax premier regular humidifier. Will this be too much for a 28 quart cooler?

Is there any advantage to attaching it to the lid?

Thanks for any help with these questions.
Yeah, if it will fit, just put in the dish washer. Otherwise just wash it out with regular dish degerent. I let mine dry in the sun for a few hours. This helped get rid of that stale smell it had. Just get 1/2 a pound of %65 or %70 and stick it in a knee high panty hose. If you want you can velcro it to the top of the lid.

I was just looking at the climmax premier regular humidifier. Will this be too much for a 28 quart cooler?

I don't think you can ever have too large of an ammount of any bead humidification set up. To me, it's "too big" if it takes up valuable cigar storage space. :D

That Climmax premier humidifier is fine. I would recommend 65% over 70%.

You can always email Vern @ Climmax and he can answer any other questions if you don't trust us clowns :p
Nope, not enough beads in it:
Dimensions: 6 1/2" X 2 1/2" X 1"
Weight: 230 grams
Humidification Capacity: Up to 75 cigars
Exterior Construction: Anodized Aluminum Case
Refilling Frequency: Every 2-6 weeks depending upon the seal of the humidor
Attachment: 3M Hook-and-loop industrial strip

Note: a 28gt Cooler will hold a LOT more that 75 cigars.

1.125'x1.75'x.875' = 1.72 cubic feet, round up to 2 cubic feet and you need 6.4 oz of beads.

Go with what Emo says:
Just get 1/2 a pound of %65 or %70 and stick it in a knee high panty hose. If you want you can velcro it to the top of the lid.
and you will be glad you did. :thumbs:
coventrycat86 said:
I don't think you can ever have too large of an ammount of any bead humidification set up. To me, it's "too big" if it takes up valuable cigar storage space. :D

That Climmax premier humidifier is fine. I would recommend 65% over 70%.

You can always email Vern @ Climmax and he can answer any other questions if you don't trust us clowns :p
Bill makes some excellent points here. Better to have more beads then you need. You'll have less maintenance and more stable RH.

Also in a cooler that small I don't think it will make much difference where you put the beads.
Thanks for the suggestions.

I guess the climmax premier media it is.

I just did a google searce for climax beads and got all sorts of interesting results, I need to make sure I spell it correctly from now on. lol
This cooler is too big for me right now, I have no where to put the thing. I would love to be able to fill it and in time I will but not now.

If I get a smaller tupperware type container and get the beads can I use part of them and store the rest somewhere until needed or will they go bad?

just store them in another Tupperware type container, I would say they should last at least...oh...say....10 - 50 years :p
Ok, great. These sound really great. I have friends that gave up their humidors after fighting with chemicals and foam blocks and things. I'm glad to have found what sounds to be a very easy product to work with.
Just remember to follow the instructions.

You only need to use the amount of water listed in the instructions. If I remember correctly, it's 35ml for the whole pound. Trust me, I know this from experience. :lookup:

It may look like that is not enough water. But if you use more than that, the beads will not be able to absorb any excess moisture.

The beads are the easiest things to use.
Oh, and another thing.

Like Emodx suggested, put the beads in panty hose or some other type stocking. Then place the pouch of beads in an open top water tight container. This will keep the beads from ending up all over the floor, carpet, table, cooler... you get the picture. :p
Can't we call em Stockings? :0

I just can't stand the thought of putting ANYTHING in my humi that is called Panty...
Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty Panty

Oh, don't get me wrong, I like panties. But I prefer to have them be in conjunction with my woman, not my cigars ;)