Spinners - Really?


Oh My!
Feb 6, 2006

Do you use one / have one / don't care! :D

I grabbed an Atwood this week...and I don't even have time to spin it...so it's on the block.

Spinners, tops, fidgets, whiz bangs, etc...
I just don't get it.

A buddy of mine has the fancy tops with jeweled point and the fidget spinners. He's let me try them out, and they are entertaining for a bit, but there's so much else I could spend my time and money on.
It's always something, and this is it for the moment. Kids have them and I'll pick it up and mess with it from time to time. Fun, but gets old very fast.
Never played with one myself but my wife is a teacher and says they've turned into distraction for all children rather than the true purpose they we initially created for.
WTF is the matter with the world. Can't people read or reflect?

Not anymore, apparently. Anymore, kids are dosed and distracted and limited in what they are allowed to do 'for their own good'. Fidget spinners are the result.
Where's the talent or skill in those things?

The original spinner -
Interesting thread. I had no idea what they were until my grandson showed up with one.

As an engineer that manages other engineers I've found it useful to have fidget gadgets on my desk in order to help them feel comfortable. As a general rule, engineers are introverted and shun eye contact so giving them something to do with their hands frees them of the burden of staring at their shoes. I added a spinner to the group (today in fact). By far the most used fidget toy is the magnets.

For the record I was able to teach my grandson about centrifugal force with his spinner.
Working in elementary and middle school classrooms all the time, I friggin' hate those things. But, I must admit, the near-zero friction bearings can be addicting to mess around with. I explained the science behind how they work to a kid one time, and his mind was blown. I heard him telling another kid about the steel weights and kinetic energy and stuff later on like he knew this all along. See, there's a teachable moment in just about everything. Same with the stupid bottle-toss phase from earlier this school year.

In any case, I'm glad both are just about over in schools, as they are all REALLY. FUCKING. ANNOYING. Now, to just wait it out and find out what the new fad is next school year...
Working in elementary and middle school classrooms all the time, I friggin' hate those things. But, I must admit, the near-zero friction bearings can be addicting to mess around with. I explained the science behind how they work to a kid one time, and his mind was blown. I heard him telling another kid about the steel weights and kinetic energy and stuff later on like he knew this all along. See, there's a teachable moment in just about everything. Same with the stupid bottle-toss phase from earlier this school year.

In any case, I'm glad both are just about over in schools, as they are all REALLY. FUCKING. ANNOYING. Now, to just wait it out and find out what the new fad is next school year...

Coca-Cola shirts and swatch watches?