

Jan 20, 2007
...I have not been around much. I have been busy with:

1) cleaning up after 2 floods
2) cleaning up after an ice storm
3) a property disagreement with a neighbor
4) and my dad died

So as things seem to be slowing down, I hope to be around more. :thumbs:
Hey, sounds like quite a rough patch. Hope things are looking up for you.
Life comes first, no apology needed.
Very very sorry to hear about your troubles. I hope things get better in the very near future for you.

Very sorry to hear about all of this. Hang in there and never give up! My thoughts are with you bro!
Damn bro... Kind of makes my poor excuse for not being around here much seen pretty sad!!!
My thoughs are with you and your family!!!

No apology needed bro...
No apologies needed. :) I'm really sorry to hear about your losses.
Better days are coming River. Welcome back.
Good to see you around Greg. Donella and I were just wondering how you and Christy(ie) were doing yesterday.
Wow. Sorry to hear about your trials. You have my sympathy, especially with the loss of your father.
Wow, that is major. I hope everything is getting better.
My condolences and thoughts are with you.
Glad to have you back.

You have my condolences, may your dad rest in peace. Seems as though everyone experiences a series of tough events in their life. May you have a smoother road in your future.
Condolences sent your way.

Take care of yourself and your family.
No apology is needed. Sorry to hear about the rough stretch, my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.


My heart goes out to you brother, what you have been through is very difficult and something I have not personally experienced. Better day ahead my friend and God bless. :thumbs:
My deepest sympathies on the passing of your father. I hope all turns out well on your other concerns.
As others have already stated, no need to apologize for that. Stay strong and welcome back. Very sorry for the loss of your father as well. Will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
I know its not good to hit a man while he is down, but maybe a bomb is in order........ :whistling:
Glad to see you back. You have certainly been missed.
