Can we then change your handle to "Columbo"???? Please????Ummm, I don’t think so. How they get it in the eye, is what I’ve been trying to figure out. I’ll have to watch more videos.
Hell, I’ve been practicing walking around and driving with my left eye closed. I was preparing for the worst news, which is a removal of the eye. They do put an implant in and attach it, so it moves along with the other eye. Then they put a fake eye in over the implant. IF that happens, I’m getting some cool fake eyes made.
@bfreebern To your point, my next visit down, we ARE going to get up, if for nothing more than a quick hey how ya doin! I know you're busy and will be for a bit. I'll try to give you a heads up prior to my visit.I debated on whether to post this at all, but figured what the hell, you guys are family even if we’ve never met!
This just reinforces Infinity and DevilDoc thoughts on saving cigars or beer or whatever else you might save. Things happen for reasons outside our control. If I wouldn’t have gotten hit in the eye, this wouldn’t have been caught. Smoke those special cigars, drink those special beers/hard to find whiskeys, because you just never know. Once I’m in the clear, something special will be enjoyed to celebrate!
I’ll keep everyone updated.
I wasn't thinking of medical advances as much as "don't run with scissors!"
Hoping everything works out for the best for you and your family. Hang in there my friend.I debated on whether to post this at all, but figured what the hell, you guys are family even if we’ve never met!
About 2 years ago, we were going on a bike ride and I was taking a bike off a hook on the ceiling and the end of the handlebar hit me in the left eye. It hurt and my eye got blurry, right in the middle where the retina focuses. I went to my optometrist and he looked at it and said if it gets worse, see him again. The pain went away, but the inability to focus stayed and I just dealt with it. This past December I went in to use up my vision eligibility for the year and they wanted to do retina pictures. Being the cheap ass I am, I didn’t want to pay the $25, so they did it for free. Well, he saw something that he didn’t like and referred me to a retina specialist. Went to the retina specialist last week and he too didn’t like what he saw and referred me to the only eye oncology doctor, in Oklahoma.
We drove to OKC yesterday, for a 4 hr appt. Through numerous tests, dye being injected into my vein and an ultrasound, they concluded that I have Ocular Melanoma. So skin cancer in my left eye, which is pretty rare and only happens to 6:1,000,000 people. I’m waiting on scheduling for plaque radiation therapy, which is where they put a bottle cap sized disc with radiation, behind my eye. I’ll have it in for 4 days, then they’ll remove it and we’ll monitor it. It has a 95% success rate, but will/can cause further eye damage (similar to macular degeneration) 1-2 years down the road. I’ve told my immediate family, but not going to post anything at this point, on FB or anywhere else. Again, I consider this place family and wanted you guys to know.
This just reinforces Infinity and DevilDoc thoughts on saving cigars or beer or whatever else you might save. Things happen for reasons outside our control. If I wouldn’t have gotten hit in the eye, this wouldn’t have been caught. Smoke those special cigars, drink those special beers/hard to find whiskeys, because you just never know. Once I’m in the clear, something special will be enjoyed to celebrate!
I’ll keep everyone updated.
Ill continue to think about your large testicles each and every day even years down the road when this is all behind you man... shit I thought this was a text wasn't meant for public eyes!So bloodwork came back. I had done a full bloodwork in October and everything was in the green. This most recent bloodwork showed 2 panels that were slightly elevated. My doctor said not to worry, he was going to order a CT and MRI. I did both last week and there are no signs metastatic evidence in my brain, chest, abdomen or liver. Which is great news. They did notice I had larger testicles than the normal male and that I had 2 bulging discs. Guess I’ll worry about the discs, after I get through this. I’m thinking after the surgery and I’m healed up, I’ll be on a 6 month scan, to ensure nothing is traveling to the liver.
Surgery is scheduled for Monday 2/21 @ 7am and removal is scheduled for Friday 2/25. I met with the radiation oncologist yesterday and he explained the surgery. Pretty amazing what they can do to the eyeball, with radiation and sutures. They’ll sew the plaque in place, within the sclera of the eye, right next to the tumor/melanoma. Once they’ve placed the plaque and taken a biopsy, then finish and see my eyelid shut, tape it up and send me on my way.
I’d appreciate any thoughts/prayers any of you are willing to send my way. This whole thing messes with your head, literally and figuratively. Just ready to get it done.
I'm a bit of an expert on bulged discs when you're ready to deal with that, in the meantime I'll be thinking of you with your procedure.