I'm down to go for Double Tree a bit later. Just means less traffic for me. What say the others?The Double Tree has a party going on poolside from 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM, that means we cannot use the facility until 8:30 PM tonight.
Another fine herf gentlemen! We need to start doing this on a regular basis again.
By the way I got there before anybody else. How do you like that Geoff?:laugh:
I know its been a long long time....but I may just have to come out for old times sakes! If you all remember who I am that is!!! :laugh:
Ahhhh, so you met Sam the "beer nazi", 'eh? Him and his wife have been serving great food and beer for years and years. I'll take a Stuffed Sandwich pastrami over one from The Hat (another local favorite) any day of the year. A shame, really, as The Hat used to be great before they decided to become a chain and expanded far beyond their Alhambra roots. But that's another story altogether, and besides, I preferred it when Stuffed Sandwich was further west on Las Tunas Dr. It used to be next to Al's Cocktail Lounge at the corner of Ardmore Dr.Oh I also went to the Stuffed Sandwich in san gabriel, they said we are welcome to meet there too...but they only have beer and are only allowed to serve it if you order food.