I really think this should be handled like a court case. One of you guys who are against HM "sue" him for a "breach of the community trust" for example. A rotating FOG decides whether the initial accusation has enough merit to "go to court". The accuser and accused (or their chosen representative) can each issue one statement and one rebuttal. No one else chimes in or else they're held in contempt (punishment is to spend one night with Souldog

). After this it's put to a public vote for or against the accusation. Enough of a vote against the accused results in a ban. Fit right in with the self-moderated community if you ask me.
Also, sorry Jonesy. By "time for this again" I meant is it time again for the guys who think HM is a non-contributor to the community to rally behind some cause and attempt to get him to answer to the accusations to their satisfaction.