Smoking Cigars with Disapproving Parents

Or if you want to get a collection going find a B&M you can herf at and rent a locker. Then they are safe, secure, only you have access to them and you don't have to worry about monitoring the temp & RF. At my B&M its $300 a year and you get a stick of your choice every quarter under $25 for free.
EDIT: Whoops did not see the post above, the Fathers bad.
Sounds like trying to have an open discussion with your father about it would probably not fly.  Seems like a guy throwing out the property of a 28 year old cousin is probably not changing his views any time soon.
There comes a time when a son stands up and becomes his own man, but while living under your father's roof it's not that time.
See you in a few years?
The answers provided to this question just continue to demonstrate what a great community this is. This just needs an appropriate link from Gary and this thread can be wrapped up.
When I first started smoking cigars I would just go to my buddies house and stop and grab a stick on the way. That got old and I was tired of sneaking around and I wanted to get a collection going. I didn't know how my parents would take it but I explained the hobby to them and why I chose to smoke cigars. They weren't entirely happy with it but were glad that I told them. Now they just make fun of me and call me fancy all the time. Once I turned 21 and started drinking scotch, the teasing got worse :laugh:
@ 2k6 I'm from the Bay Area
Sounds good, i'll look into renting at a BM, though i have a slight feeling that my parents already know i smoke, since usually its hard to hide smell. In addition I've gotten into pipe smoking which is a compliment to the cigar. To the comment earlier, this is a very helpful community, surprised how much advice I've recieved. Most other forums are met with immature replies that give you no answers. Who knows, maybe he'll realize I'm not a little kid anymore and will respect my decision(not agree with it). Thanks a lot :D
I'll mirror what others have said. I'm younger like you are and I haven't had the exact issue seeing as though my father is what got me started into smoking cigars, but we've had our differences in opinions. But if you have a great relationship with your folks, why walk the line of ruining that? If you're living at home to get through college, why screw that up? If you want to be a grown man and do what you want to do, it's time to get out from under their roof. No one can tell you what you can and can't do when you're paying the bills and personally if my father walked in my house and threw away my things because he didn't approve of them, we'd be outside having words of a not so friendly words. That's just me and my opinion, but it sounds like many others have the same reasoning.
Welcome, Rod hit the nail on the head.
I would talk with your Dad, tell him that you are smoking, he won't like it, but at least it is out in the open.
Above all respect his "House" rules, and do not flaunt it.
But, make sure, you stand up for yourself as well, just in a respectful is an "Agree to disagree" situation.
This is the same thing that happened to me while I was in college. During the school year, they obviously stayed with me at school, but during the summer, they came with me to the parents'. I hid them (although I know they knew where they were..pretty hard to hid 3 coolers in a small closet! One summer I had expanded so much that I asked my now in-laws to house them at their house...yep, they rock.

My parents still give me lectures and tell me how bad smoking cigars is, but that's all.