us guys are easy, even in college.
If you:
ignore the rand. porn mag in our room (c'mon, you have read Playboy too)
a party w/ alcohol or two in HS (though the H.S. part is debateable) and many more in college (if you taught us well, we will use a designated driver and have a spare $10 for a cab at all times (which has been used))
let us get a part-time job in HS, or give us an allowance of at least $10 fun $$ a week, and don't ask where it goes.
credit cards are fun, but give him a checking acct., w/ a check card that works like a credit card (that way he stays w/in his means) and just put some $$ in ea. month
If it is a girl:
run for cover!
remember, you know what your thoughts where at certain ages, guys will think the same of her.
as for names,
Arturo "Dave Jr." Fuente sounds good to me!