I've had mine for about 5 years and love it.
Brandon make sure you ask for a machine with a humidifier as your nasel passages in the winter time will get dry and irritated without one. I also bring mine when I travel.The only time I can't use it is when I'm camping with the family.
But give it time..it will not feel right at first but make yourself wear it and you'll see a world of good from it.
I've had mine for about 2 years now and don't know how I functioned without it. When I had my original sleep tests done, the doc said I had one of the worst cases he'd seen in a while, I believe I was up over a hundred episodes an hour - he was astonished that I actually functioned during the day.
Depending on your individual case, a number of different things may work. Losing weight usually helps, but may not completely remedy it. If you're like me and have a short thick neck (19-20" neck, even in my slimmer football days), you'll still likely need something. Surgery helps some. That mouthpiece also works for those with pretty minor cases. The CPAP or BiPAP is one of the less intrusive and pretty effective treatments as long as you give yourself a chance to get used to the mask or air pillow.
There are actually 2 forms of sleep apnea - the first and most common is the physical obstruction due to either a large neck, tongue, or extra mass/weight around the throat. Then there's actually a neurological form of the condition which is much more rare - the cpap also helps this form to some extent. I've got a little of each.
For anyone that's been putting off looking into a treatment, I strongly advise going to the doctor
ASAP. While you may be able to deal with the sore throat from snoring or needing that extra nap, there are some severe side effects that can develop if you don't get it treated. High blood pressure, hardening of the heart, and a slew of other heart and circulatory problems. My wife said I probably had it several years ago, but I blew it off because I didn't realize how dangerous it was. I started developing high blood pressure, and that ended up being the culprit. Go for the test!
Best of luck with it Brandon, if you need some more info please feel free to PM me.