It shouldn't be a problem since you are already used to the tiara! :laugh:
It shouldn't be a problem since you are already used to the tiara! :laugh:
Problem is that I won't be able to wear it to bed anymore. Well, that might be a good thing b/c I won't have to buy as many barretts to make sure it stays on while I sleep.
Remember when Thor made you wear his jock on your face after gym class? Same thing, without the scent of Bengay.
It shouldn't be a problem since you are already used to the tiara! :laugh:
Problem is that I won't be able to wear it to bed anymore. Well, that might be a good thing b/c I won't have to buy as many barretts to make sure it stays on while I sleep.
I go in tonight for my 2nd sleep study, to be fitted with my CPAP mask/machine.
Anyone currently using one of these? How obstructive are they during sleep?
Brandon make sure you ask for a machine with a humidifier as your nasel passages in the winter time will get dry and irritated without one. I also bring mine when I travel.The only time I can't use it is when I'm camping with the family.
Dude, these things suck.... If you think the tiara was restrictive, just wait. There is nothing like being asleep, rolling over and slightly pulling the mask causing a nice jet of air to be blown into your eyeballs!! Most people opt for the surgery after trying these things outs (according to the nurse). I could not get used to mine.
I decided to try to lose a few pounds to get rid of the snoring. That is working out about as well as the CPAP machine....