Single best practice I ever developed regarding Coffee Brewing.

Hey, if you like it that way, you're styling. Wish I loved $1.00 cigars! I'd be rich!

It's not weak sauce by any stretch of the imagination, but I might try it stronger this weekend to see how it goes.
It's not weak sauce by any stretch of the imagination, but I might try it stronger this weekend to see how it goes.
I used to drink exclusively Dark Roasts. They can be a bit more friendly to lower amounts of coffee. I drink all sorts of single regions beans from all the legal growing regions. My roaster custom roasts for me, so I get it at a level I prefer.
I used to drink exclusively Dark Roasts. They can be a bit more friendly to lower amounts of coffee. I drink all sorts of single regions beans from all the legal growing regions. My roaster custom roasts for me, so I get it at a level I prefer.

For reference, I'm using Killer Beans Tanzanian Peaberry. :)
I just use the Italian method my Great Grandmother used.... Figure out what you like, what works, and then eyeball measurement after that. Great cup of coffee every time.
Those women were magical.
I used to love to watch her make her Easter bread (with the egg on the top) on top of the porcelain table without a bowl, or measuring devices as a child. Perfect every time!
I used to love to watch her make her Easter bread (with the egg on the top) on top of the porcelain table without a bowl, or measuring devices as a child. Perfect every time!
Gurrugulo! Love it! Especially dunked in coffee!

eta: I think Scarcella is part of, or another word for, etc, Not quite sure.
Geeeeez. o_O

Half a cup of whole beans, 10 second grind, water to the 8-cup mark, conical filter drip machine that ran me $20. Everyone loves my coffee.

Just start with good beans (I like Marques de Paiva French Roast) and lighten up! :p

I use Killer Beans.......because when I do, the method and measurements no longer's good, no matter what.
Revisiting this thread....I've used a Poppery 2 hot air popper to roast beans for about 15 years, and a friend just sold me a nearly mint condition Behmor drum roaster for cheap.

For me this is like graduating from a tricycle to the space shuttle. Just an incredible development as far as my experimentation with bean varieties, roast levels and of course brewing.

Until now I've been almost strictly a French press guy with occasional use of my Chemex. Timed pourovers have been left to the baristas in one of my five "regular" coffee bars, but I may up my game soon with new hardware. My wife won't murder me as long as an espresso machine does not enter the house.
Timed pourovers have been left to the baristas in one of my five "regular" coffee bars

Behmor is a great roaster. Good pick up!
I haven't had a good coffee, outside my house, in years. My favorite pour over is the Kalita Wave. Less muddy, more complex cups in my experience. French press is really nice. I do try several brew methods to see which one a certain bean seems to shine most with. I guess it all depends on the individual and what they want out of the experience.
Behmor is a great roaster. Good pick up!
I haven't had a good coffee, outside my house, in years. My favorite pour over is the Kalita Wave. Less muddy, more complex cups in my experience. French press is really nice. I do try several brew methods to see which one a certain bean seems to shine most with. I guess it all depends on the individual and what they want out of the experience.

In order to avoid buying a new brew system right now I just ordered an Able Kone to use in my Chemex. I'm lazy when it comes to prepping and dealing with the filters, plus it sounds like the Kone brews a little bit thicker cup than paper filters, which works for me.
I just ordered an Able Kone
Cool. Let us know if any dust gets through.

eta: I don't mind some of the solids getting through but not great for some guests. Been looking for one that does better than the few I have. I do think they make a better, more complex, cup of coffee.
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In order to avoid buying a new brew system right now I just ordered an Able Kone to use in my Chemex. I'm lazy when it comes to prepping and dealing with the filters, plus it sounds like the Kone brews a little bit thicker cup than paper filters, which works for me.

You don't buy the pre-folded paper filters? I'm lost on the prepping part if you do use the pre-folded filters.
You don't buy the pre-folded paper filters? I'm lost on the prepping part if you do use the pre-folded filters.

Yeah, the bleached folded filters. I just lack the most basic patience to dampen the filter, get it placed correctly, and then monkey with it and obsess over it when I don't think it's filtering correctly/at the right speed. BONUS- the metal cone will be easier to bring my wife up to speed on a Chemex regimen.