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Show Me Your Ash - 2014 Contest

Light this! said:
I wasn't overly proud of it, but it was my first go. Addy is accurate. Thanks!
Wyatt, these fly tomorrow brother. 9405 5036 9930 0349 4986 04
Michael - nice. What stogie was that? - Never mind.
Ummmm....I just received the prize package for my sorry ass ash that I was able to get up first.......and the prize certainly out weights my ash efforts!!!
Thanks Kris!  Way too generous!  One of the sticks almost brought a tear to my eye.
Failed attempt on Monday. I think I strained my neck only puffing vertically.
Brickhouse said:

I wasn't overly proud of it, but it was my first go. Addy is accurate. Thanks!
Wyatt, these fly tomorrow brother. 9405 5036 9930 0349 4986 04
Michael - nice. What stogie was that? - Never mind.
Ummmm....I just received the prize package for my sorry ass ash that I was able to get up first.......and the prize certainly out weights my ash efforts!!!
Thanks Kris!  Way too generous!  One of the sticks almost brought a tear to my eye.

Wyatt, Im glad they made it safely. Enjoy brother!
Moments after this was taken, the whole thing fell...on me and it burned like crazy. :(
Never realized how much concentration it takes to hold the hand still, in between coughing, and getting quite a bit of smoke caught in my eyes it was hard!

This was just over 4.4" of ash, burnt the fingers quite well. Thanks Kris for the contest, was much harder than I thought.
edit to add: I did not take this pic, I had the wife come out and take it as I was laying on my back.

edit to add again: The cigar was a fresh (2012) Añejo 77 Shark.
So, I  decided on a Padron Family Reserve No. 44 last night. It measured in at just a tad over 6 inches at the start. When I took my last picture with the ash still intact, I think I might have been able to get it a little further even though my index finger was burning (still hurts today). 
The problem was that I had been sitting in the same position for so long, scrunched down with my head up in the air, and not a drink of water, I began to feel clammy. Next thing I knew, I was sweating profusely and had that "Awww Shit!" feeling come over me. I then put the cigar in the ashtray and asked my daughter to bring me a teaspoon of sugar......... Too late! It didn't help! Long story short, I ended up in the backyard blowing chunks everywhere and have no desire to currently smoke a cigar today. :laugh:
So, the cigar measured slightly over 6 inches. The butt was just under 3/4 of an inch when finished. If you factor in the very small tip I cut off to maximize results, I'm going to estimate my ash was just at, or a TAD over 5 inches. Like Jimmy said.... It's amazing how much you have to concentrate on staying still, and not shaking your hand, etc. Keystone_Raider will tell you I'm a natural at this, but not to that extent.


I think we have a couple of clear cut winners. I'm not gonna be able to make the deadline but tip my hat to the excellent BOTL we have here at CP. Congrats. Nice contest Kris.
John and Jimmy, amazing job guys!! You are great BOTL's...
Well done you two!
I know it doesn't  matter a this point but on Thursday at Kris's house for domino night I brought over a Culebra he gifted me well over a year ago. Well push come to shove at about an inch in the ash was holding great so I told him this smoke would be my entry he thought I was nuts because it was 1/3 of the stick and boy it was twisty. So I give you about 4" of Culebra ash... Sadly on the next twist the ash broke.

Gentlemen, thanks to everyone that participated as it was fun seeing the pics and the mess that ash created that we didn't see.  Although, I was hoping to get a thread full of ASH.  :p I plan on doing this Ash contest annually so look for it next year. Michael, Jimmy and John that was some serious ash you guys posted. 
And the WINNER is.................................
jfields is the Ash Champion for 2014  :thumbs:[SIZE=large] [/SIZE]

John takes 1st place, Jimmy 2nd and Michael 3rd. Jimmy that was close brother and well done.
John, I will get your prize out either tomorrow night or Tuesday morning brother and congrats!
If anyone has pics of their ashes that they were going to post - post them as it would be cool to see.
Congrats and what an awesome ash on that Padrón John. One day when I'm old and wise like you I'll be able to procure amazing ash and blow chunks! :D

All ribbing aside, excellent job dude you earned it!
Well, how awesome is that!
Thanks for the contest Kris, and thanks for the kudos guys. Suddenly last night seems a little more worthwhile. ;)

First time getting physically ill from a cigar, and I hope it's the last Jimmy. :laugh:
I have an old crusty LFD DL "A" I can send you to smoke first thing in the morning if you care to temp fate! ;)
Light this! said:
Gentlemen, thanks to everyone that participated as it was fun seeing the pics and the mess that ash created that we didn't see.  Although, I was hoping to get a thread full of ASH.  :p I plan on doing this Ash contest annually so look for it next year. Michael, Jimmy and John that was some serious ash you guys posted. 
And the WINNER is.................................
jfields is the Ash Champion for 2014  :thumbs:[SIZE=large] [/SIZE]

John takes 1st place, Jimmy 2nd and Michael 3rd. Jimmy that was close brother and well done.
John, I will get your prize out either tomorrow night or Tuesday morning brother and congrats!
If anyone has pics of their ashes that they were going to post - post them as it would be cool to see.
Wait a minute, how come I'm third place if my cigar was 6 inches long and my ash was over 5 inches? :whistling: I kept the nub in case I'll have to post a picture of it.
Congratulations John, job well done! And thanks to everyone that participated, this was a not so fun one to do as John pointed out. I had to take a long cold shower after smoking mines as I was feeling like crap :laugh:
Sorry Michael but Jimmy's look longer. Rulers are a must next year.
Ok, Michael and Jimmy smoke another one to get a definitive 2nd placer.   ;)
John, sorry to hear about the chunks but you are now the reigning Ash master and folks are going to be gunning for you next year. 
emoshun said:
I have an old crusty LFD DL "A" I can send you to smoke first thing in the morning if you care to temp fate! ;)
I'm good bro! ;)
Light this! said:
John, these fly tomorrow morning brother. Again congrats and enjoy! 9405 5036 9930 0353 8716 77
I'm humbled by your generosity Kris! Makes it all seem worth it now. Although, I might have answered that differently last Saturday night. :laugh:

I'll see if I can reign again next year, but do it outside with a bellyful of carbs....... Not Salmon and veggies.