Am I the only one that has issues with people saying exactly what was sent to them or what they sent? I think this is bad form. There was a time here and elsewhere when folks simply voiced there appreciation for an unexpected "bomb" by saying thank you and then qualifying their thank you with things like... I am floored . . . You were way to generous . . . I can never repay you . . . Are you insane. . . Above and beyond . . . Incredible. . . and the like to express their thoughts on the generosity of the sender.
The reason for the anonymity of the contents of a bomb or trade is really quite simple. There are folks who are more generous with some people than they are with others. There are people with deep pockets and those for whom the bottom line is much closer. Maybe a guy is friends with someone off line and decides to crush his friend with premium sticks or maybe he just likes someone and sends a little something. The point here is that if the contents of a bomb or trade is openly discussed it puts an unfair pressure on the sender or receiver to duplicate their generosity with the next guy. It also makes this person a target for guys to bomb with the expectation that this generous person will reciprocate in the same way as he/she did previously. I know what you're going to say. "When people send bombs out they don't really expect the person they bomb to reciprocate." All I can say to this is, CRAP. I'm not saying that there are not people here that are selfless (a few come to mind) but many folks are expecting exactly that, a return gesture. I see people bombing guys that are known to be extremely generous yet they've never had any kind interaction with these people other than snagging their address which has forced more than a few of these generous souls to pull their contact information from their profiles. I don't think the newer guys should be told to bomb this fellow or that fellow because they "won't be sorry". Let them learn themselves like everyone else. After they've been here awhile they'll know, but not before they've made the effort and paid there dues through interaction.......