Shal We play questions?

Sure, only when you're not being yourself. J/K :p

How many people thought of the Post-It note before it was invented but just didn't have anything to jot it down on?
I'd say 189.051. but I am only guessing! ;)

Have you ever been in a fight?
PuroBrat said:
I can only hope so, Mark, but next time we meet, we shall see!!!!

Ok, question, am I a likeable guy? ya think? (shameless, huh?)
No...cause youre a brat...LOL(j/k)
Anyone here do anytime in the millitary or civil service?

I was in the Navy from March 1979 to Feb 1980
Family issues sent me back home.
next question? I am not sure if this is gong the way its suppossed to of late.....
No...I've never been in a fight, and I don't regret it. I like my teeth just the way that they are and I'm afraid that I'd kill or seriously injure someone in a fight.

I never said that I didn't know HOW to take someone OUT. Better to just avoid it if at all possible though.

What's your favorite movie of all time?

Because the manufatues make them all the same due to the ease of making 1 machine with different outsides.

Question: How many people know what Bono, the lead singer of U2, is trying to do politically? (Don't answer this one in the thread) Of those that do(I want to hear from each and every one of you in this tread), Do you agree or disagree and why?


My answer to this question is yes, with every bone in my body. If you want to know more, just IM me.
:love: :love: :love:
when will I send you my picture??? soon as my new computer gets hooked up at home! Should be over the weekend! sorry for the you still like me?
Of course!

q: Why do females always claim they want a 'nice guy' then run after the grunt that treats em like $hit?
I think we need to date the a$$holes first to know how good the good ones are.
q: Why is it that we're all hooked on cigars?
q: Why are we all hooked on how hot Dawn is?

A: 'cause we're guys.
A: 'cause we're guys.


Q: Can anyone drag us out of the quagmire of questions we've been getting, and drag this up into the region of "normal" questions?? ?? ??

D ;)
A: Yes, I will try :D :p :D

Q: If a bus station is where a bus stops, and a train station is where a train stops, why do I have a work station on my desk?
A: Because your desktop work station is where work stops! :p

Q: tough one... ( mostly for guys.. :p ) Marooned on desert island... somehow all other survivors are ill with clearly a deadly infection. you have ONE syringe of antibiotic certain to cure the fatal infection. You are marooned with:

Beautiful blonde Model
Very intelligent and attractive Brunette computer programmer
Lovely sensuous Redhead wilderness guide
Tahician Islander Hula dancer
Very attractive Nigerian sailor

Who will you save and why?
Myself...cause the rest don't know I already took the forula...duh....
Question...Who want's to join me in the bombing run to set all record books...send me a PM and the post a question...
