Shal We play questions?

TheBeast said:
Q.You know how most packages say "Open here". What is the protocol if the package says, "Open somewhere else"?
A: Take it to the other room so you open it there instead of here.

Q:Where do packages that say, "Open Here" come from? Even eerier, where to packages that say, "Open somewhere else" come from?
They come from "Over There"

Not that you'll get an answer here, but..... If you could ask anyone any single question, and be guaranteed a truthful answer, who & what would it be?

Dave :cool:
2 are Tied...L.H. Oswald-Were you part of a conspiracy, or a for hire gunman that was set up...

The second would be to the farmer who who found the "weather balloon" in Roswell New Mexico.

The 2 greatest conspiracies of this lifetime. There are a couple of other conspiracies that there are definite answers to, but these are the 2 that are probably the most significant.

I would like to ask Clarence Thomas if he is guilty of sexual harassmen towards any woman or man for that matter.

Okay, new question: If you could pick one historical character and spend a day with them who would it be and why?

Gandhi...For a glimpse into a truely remarkable being...
Dahli Lama...For a glimpse into a truely remarkable being...

And you Deb?

Linda Lovelace, 'cause she's so good at... umm, well.... if you don't know, you shouldn't be asking!

Ok, since no one else can seem to remember to post a question with their answer.....

Speaking of historical people, if you could step in front of the bullet (or whatever) of any assasinated historical figure, who would be worth giving up your own life for?

Dave ;)
John Lennon, cause the music is too much to lose.

Q:WHo wouldn't you have taken one for, and why?
I'd take the bullet for Gandhi....I wouldn't take the bullet for Lennon...
Taken from ther book by Leebo, revised by Purobrat:
Who is the next person to gift me some good and inexpensive smokes? Bwahhhhhhahhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaa :sign:

Sorry buddy, I don't have any "inexpensive" smokes left. But, if you send ME some more of those great Connies, I would be happy to gift HALF of them back to you.

:p :0 :lookup: :D
O.K. New question...
from what you could tell if you met me in person whould you like me or hate me?
Like you - absolutely.

Next question: What about ME? Like or hate?

Ok, this could go on for a while.....

Dave :D
Dawn, you're a likeable person! Come around more often so I can mooch a couple from ya!

Dave, what can I're awesome and I love the sense of humor!!!

Well, since we seem to be stuck on the attention-seeking theme, what do ya think abot moi?

lmao :p
There seems to be a question about what the current question is. So, without question, I will ask another question.

Do you give as well as you get? :sign:
I can only hope so, Mark, but next time we meet, we shall see!!!!

Ok, question, am I a likeable guy? ya think? (shameless, huh?)