Senior Rodolfo Taboada

Great King Rat

New Member
Jul 5, 2005
After seeing all the cigar porn here by ATUCK I have made my mind to make the drive. Last time I was at LCDH I had a great time and I came back home broke: I knew I was paying too much but I did not care. Anyhow, I have heard Sr. Taboada is going back to the good island and this is his last weekend in TJ. Therefore, I need to get down to TJ and watch him roll and get few sticks before his gone.

I have heard rumors that he is rolling vintage/aged tobacco… Is it true?


They say that the tobacco is 6 yrs old. I have seen some controversy over that on other boards but from the tast of these cigars it is either true or it just plain doesn't matter. The cigars are fantastic! I have only heard of one guy that said he didn't like one of the Robusto Extras, but to what extent he didn't like it, I don't know. I wonder what he was comparing it too? An older Taboada, a Fuente or maybe, a Swisher Sweet! :laugh:

Have fun and good luck on your trip! Be sure and have the cigars shipped to you so you don't get them taken away at the border.
Thanks for the shipping advise aTuck. I am planning to smoke one down there and if I like what I taste I would ship some back. However, budget is tight, I just placed an order the other night.

The word is that there is going to be good-bye party for him this weekend. I am going down there on Sunday to bet on some football games (Go Chargers) and have a smoke out. I also would like to hit up the other shop down there as well. I have heard prices are much cheaper, need to check out the selection and its authenticity.

Anyhow, as long as they taste good I do not care if he rolls with aged tobacco or not. Today visiting a local shop few guys were hyping that he was rolling with pre-Castro goods for the right price :laugh: - When I started to ask them what was their daily smoke I knew they were full of S**t. I just wanted to run it by you guys and see if there was any merit to their non-sense.

Newbee question, I know cigars will taste good after they are freshly rolled. I also know that ammonia will start to build up as soon as it has been rolled.
What is the proper length of time to let cigars sit before I start going through the rest of the stash if I ship any back. When will the ammonia dissipate?

ATuck- I got the rest of gars from you today. Thanks for hooking me up.


Update; I went to LCDH yestarday and I got meet the man and I also got to smoke and buy few Dom Perignons.

When I got to the store he was done for the day rolling. So I did not get to see him roll. Moises, the shop help told me that they only had few DMs left. Therefore, I had no other choice but to smoke the DMs. I can tell you that the cigar tasted out of this world and it is worth every penny.
