grateful1 said:
It's not why I came here - And it reminds me of talking with my ex-wife
Being rational and logical with those breasts NEVER work. I hope I never feel that feeling again. There is something
special with those "ex" creatures.
LOL! :laugh:
Okay so, I've read everything up to the chill pill, which seems to be much needed.
While I can appreciate wanting to have a pass where there's not much emphasis on the pricing, I just don't see that happening. Actually, that's really a big part of the pass as several have already pointed out, including Gary (Ironpeddler), who IMO gave really spot on great advice right from the get go. What this seems to be, at least to me, is more like a hot potatoe bomb on steroids. Don't worry about it, just grab what you want and put back whatever as long as they smoke good. May be over dramatizing a bit, but still.
Let me tell you from experience, hosting a pass for the first time with first time passers? It is not so easy. Yeah, I became a member of this great family in Oct 2007, and ran my first pass in Nov 2007. But, let me tell you I did a ton of research, studying, reading, asking questions and so on. I had two FOGs at my back and my rules were spelled out explaining everything in detail to ensure all knew what was going on up front and in the beginning intro post.
"Make the guys research their P/T's and put pricing out there when they post them. Then you go to a member that know what's going on and say "hey, what do you think about what John just did? Do you think that will work?". There are more than a few of us that would be glad to help."
You are the host and as such it is your responsibility to step up to the plate and push every passer to do their research. Not only that, you have to do the same research. As soon as T/P's are put up you should be hitting the sites and ensuring all is good with them, then putting out there the question of other passers thoughts. Create discussion, but have answers ready. If you don't have the answers, then go to a FOG or two and ask them for advice/help. A newbie pass, which is what I'm calling it, is not just ALL fun and games, especially for the host. It really is a lot of work, and a lot of time to put into it.
This is what a pass is all about. Putting in the work, learning the cigars, and having fun during. But, let me tell you from experience, hosting a pass for the first time with first time passers? It is not so easy, especially when jumping in head first Whew!
Gary, you are the man and did an excellent job in your original posts regarding passes! Proud of you brother!
Brian too, wouldn't want to piss you off in a dark alley (LOL!), but you have some seriously sound advice as always and give great direction. As the old saying get it.
Off my soap box...and on to better thangs (uh oh...don't get me Gary...I spelt it like ah say it...hahaha!)
So...for the first contest in this here shindig...I'm going to send out one of my very own handmade salt rock cigar lamps to the first person that can:
1) Tell me how I came up with my screen name
2) What was my original screen name
3) What was it I got called instead of my original screen name