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Secret Santa Pass.....

This just in.....It has just been reported that somewhere on the shorline in CT it appears that missile silos have opend up and are preparing to launch...... Details to follow...

I saw this on the news tonight guys.. I know nothing about it other than that I think they might be heading south
SOUTH???? Did you say SOUTH???? Hey, I'm South of almost everybody...even Sleepy Floyd!!! :sign: lmao
I seriously doubt that Mat. I kind of think maybe your Santa simply has not posted a launch warning. I have not observed anyone among this group who hasn't been good. (but I cant see everything)
BW,, You can come out of your hole(for now anyways ;) .. Looks like one package is heading north of you and the other waaaaaaaaaaay south!!

On another note.. Anyone heard from Samtheman?? Havent heard from him in a while and am hoping all is well with him..

MattR....hmmmmmmmm.. yes he was good this year!! Very good!! I hope Santa is good to you bro!!!

Now my Santa sending 2 packages!! Hope I have time to dig in!!! Thanks for the warning!! Im sending the family to Australia to avoid the falling debri!!

On a serious note.. Anyone have any cubita? Im completly out.. Am willing to purchase or trade for cigars:):)
DANGIT VERN....LAY OFF!!! Always pickin' on me, like CHarlie Brown, bombing me unexpectedly and what not. Y'all watch out if Vern's your SS, you've HAD IT!!! lmao ;)

MattR Oh, I received abox of "sausages" today that tells me that you have been a very good and generous boy this year. Hope Santa treats you accordingly!!

Jeff, Thanks for the heads up (literally)! And I was wondering the same thing a bout Sam myself, I e-mailed him a week or so ago with no response. ??? Maybe he's just busy? I know I took a break after the move to get some things caught up, so maybe he's busy with the holidays... I'll let ya' know if I hear from him.

LAter all,

BW :sign:
Oh Worm, I have been easy on you...But now your asking me to lay off is starting to give me ideas. :0
NORTH OF BIG WORM!?!?!?! Holy $&!#, that could be ME!! IS IT?! IS IT?! I gotta know!!! :0 ROFLMAO!!!! Major Pee-Pee dance goin' on here! :p

Sam had mentioned he was going "On the Road" and that is why he was not joining anymore passes. Something about getting back to work. My best wishes go to him.
RED ALERT!!!!RED ALERT!!!!RED ALERT!!!! :0 :0 :0
LArge detonation just occurred in Southern KY!!! Seems the source of the hideous actions were from Yuba City, CA although barely legible I could make out sopmething that looked like....Booker T. Washinton or Mike Likes Books or something along those lines. I won't go into details, but Y'all would be JEALOUS :D :D :D !!! So don't even try and mooch my fresh, new, nice ISOMs and some nice Fuente stuff and other yum yums. Also a lot of other goodies stuffed in there to keep the belly from growlin'!!!
Hats off to our pal in Yuba City and thanks again for the wonderful gift(s).

BW :thumbs:
I must have been bad this year  :(

Of course I didn't mail my recipient until today - so I guess I can't complain tooooo much.

Santa I promise to be better next year if you'll only take care of me this year!

I promise!
Dave :D
My Secret Santa ( JerryG ) has been VERY good to me, and I didn't think I was even all that good this year.
Santa came a few days ago but I've been too busy to post! And I might add that Santa was very good to me this year - he must not have been watching me too closely. ;)

Santa must have been doing some shopping in Portland...
If my SS came via IL, then it arrived today loaded with yummy smokes and some very yummy coffee.. Looks like I was a very good boy indeed!! Thank you Santa!!! I hope you and yours have a very wonderful holiday season!!
I forgot to mention that the local Santa sent his box out on 12/10 and should arrive today or tomorrow.
Woo Hoo! I received a Secret Santa package today. Problem is that I'm signed up with two secret santa programs. So if my Santa was from Temple, TX - THANKS! If they're not.... I'm still waiting!

Dave :)