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Secret Leprechaun Pass

All right !!!  Package #1 goes to Adam R.  :biggrin:(Edited by BurntFingers at 4:26 pm on Feb. 23, 2001)
Sounds good Keith. Tim you got the next gift pack for being the 5th emailer. Still need the rest of the addresses. Still a prize left for #10 emailer also.
Ok everyone, sorry for the delay. I am on a business trip here in Oklahoma and will return on Wed. I still have not got all the adresses yet as there are some new people that signed up that have not replied. On wed. I will send out what I have and if I haven't got your address you won't be included. Don
All participants should have received an email with their recipient. If you haven't please let me know. Thanks to all who sent in their email.Don
The little people have taken over your e-mail Tex! :biggrin: