Second Annual Summers End Herf


New Member
Oct 19, 2006

It is planning time once again for this years Summers End Herf!! This year due to Blue Diamond not opening we were forced to relocate. But, we belive we have found a bigger, classier venue for this years event. Delaware Park Raceway and Slots on September 13, 2008 from 1 till 6 pm!!!!!

Same as last years event-

-20 premium smokes as you walk in the door
-BBQ Buffet with a whole lot of fixin's
-Live racing action with a complimentary race schedule
-Beer and Wine
-Coffee donated by MR.JERRY at
-2o+ Cigar vendors and reps selling ALL THIER STICKS AT $1 EACH YES$1
(Now how the HELL can you beat that!!!!!!)

The only thing that we won't have that we had last year will be the band due to the live racing action. They said it might spook em.
BUT there will be more variety in food and drink and also more to do. With the ponies and the slots, and the Virtual Poker and Black Jack.

You can also purchase specialty drinks at the bar inside if you choose.

One more thing we are adding this year is a limited edition Polo shirt bearing the logo of the Brand that Gary Griffith has blended and Rocky Patel is rolling for us. If you purchase the shirt and wear it to the event, you will recieve a 5er of these smokes. They will be landing in about a month so don't miss out on these, They are out of this world.

As we get final pricing figured out I will post it and will be able to take online orders this year.

I posted about this on C-Bid and the keep deleting it. I guess they are afraid that the little guy will take all thier disgruntled C-Fest customers. Well we are glad to have ya!! There will be no "slow roll out" or "VIP e-mails". Just send me a PM with your e-mail addy and I will put you on my list to send out info to.

Hope to see you all there!!

Delaware Park has the most beautiful racetrack grounds in the US. The DuPonts had a hand in that, you can be sure. ;) Also, the Delaware Handicap is THE premier race for fillies in the country every year. Too bad the rest of their cards are dogmeat. :(

I just hope I can make it to the herf this year. BTW, cbid has a policy of not allowing posts that rel;ate to competitors. It's a company forum for CI and not independent like CPass.
Sounds Great! Count me in. Last year was a BLAST!

There's an xlnt golf course next door to the track. White Clay Creek.
If you never golfed there, check it out.

I'm trying to be good and keep cigar purchases to a minimum, until
my bank account and credit cards are under control, again. Looking
forward to better weather and herfs at DP.


Chemyst :cool:
Yo Chem,
We are gearing up for a golf tourny for next year at the course. I'll keep everyone updated about that.

This is too close to my house to not go!

I'll know more regarding my availability as the date approachs, but this sounds good to me! :)

Sounds Great! Count me in. Last year was a BLAST!

There's an xlnt golf course next door to the track. White Clay Creek.
If you never golfed there, check it out.

I'm trying to be good and keep cigar purchases to a minimum, until
my bank account and credit cards are under control, again. Looking
forward to better weather and herfs at DP.


Chemyst :cool:

Yeah, it was a great time except for the tall Polish guy. Maybe we can send him to the wrong place this year. :whistling:
Wow, this sounds amazing. Something for me to look forward to, just wish it wasn't so far away.

It's so close to home, of course im there.
Anything new here?

Went to HerfBros site and found the local events board.

See ya tomorrow night at DP.

Chemyst :cool: