Scumbag List

If we are adding people to the list no matter the severity of their offence, I think there should be a more descriptive explanation on the list.

As it is now, the list is vague and inconclusive. There needs to be hard links accompanying EACH and EVERY Scumbag, simply for clarity and transparency.

Without it we simply come off as judge, jury, and executioner, lacking proper checks and balances...

The likelihood of anyone going back and retroactively providing documentation and evidence for everyone in the list is zero. It is likely we will be doing something close to what you suggest for new additions, as right now no new people have been conclusively added just nominated. If you look at the names in the pending section you can see some of the direction we are going, with each name having a link to their own unique page where evidence can be presented. Right now that evidence exists primarily in the form of links to the offenses but soon there will also be copies of messages, posts etc. mirrored in case threads are deleted down the road.

I also think it is a bit odd to take the perspective that names are being added regardless of the severity of offense. That really isn't the case... sort of a part of why there is a thread here right now. Also you realize that for the bulk of the history of the list there was in fact one person acting as judge, jury and executioner....
I would like to voice my opinion that Ed not be added to the list. I am writing because I want to make a point. NO ONE LOST MONEY ON THAT DEAL EXCEPT ED. He took a huge loss because he was out of his league, much like the rest of us. Ed did not vouch to anyone about the cigars. I made sure to ask all the buyers when the debacle started. No one did their due diligence. I feel bad for Ed. Ed made some mistakes but don't we all? I hope he isn't added to the list because it would detract from the real perpetrators who sell fakes on purpose to rip people off. Now if anyone has some real evidence of Ed knowingly and willingly ripping you off that's a different story but as far as the OR Opus/Anejo deal Ed does not belong on the list.
I would have to agree. Although some got screwed, it was not intentional and was mainly because Ed had no idea what the hell he was doing and didn't know shit. Not really worth being on the list for being a tard.
I would have to agree. Although some got screwed, it was not intentional and was mainly because Ed had no idea what the hell he was doing and didn't know shit. Not really worth being on the list for being a tard.

He was a tard with an attitude. That's dangerous. He wouldn't take advice from those in the know. His arrogance got it him into a pickle and from what I understand, that hasn't changed.

I would have to agree. Although some got screwed, it was not intentional and was mainly because Ed had no idea what the hell he was doing and didn't know shit. Not really worth being on the list for being a tard.

He was a tard with an attitude. That's dangerous. He wouldn't take advice from those in the know. His arrogance got it him into a pickle and from what I understand, that hasn't changed.

Of course he was. There is no doubt about that at all. I just don't quite think it deserves the "Scumbag" list. A "Stupidity" list would be more fitting it seems.
I would have to agree. Although some got screwed, it was not intentional and was mainly because Ed had no idea what the hell he was doing and didn't know shit. Not really worth being on the list for being a tard.

He was a tard with an attitude. That's dangerous. He wouldn't take advice from those in the know. His arrogance got it him into a pickle and from what I understand, that hasn't changed.

Of course he was. There is no doubt about that at all. I just don't quite think it deserves the "Scumbag" list. A "Stupidity" list would be more fitting it seems.

We don't have a stupid list. Scumbag will have to do. Young fellas, with more money than brains, need to be protected from that guy.

I would have to agree. Although some got screwed, it was not intentional and was mainly because Ed had no idea what the hell he was doing and didn't know shit. Not really worth being on the list for being a tard.

He was a tard with an attitude. That's dangerous. He wouldn't take advice from those in the know. His arrogance got it him into a pickle and from what I understand, that hasn't changed.

Of course he was. There is no doubt about that at all. I just don't quite think it deserves the "Scumbag" list. A "Stupidity" list would be more fitting it seems.

We don't have a stupid list. Scumbag will have to do. Young fellas, with more money than brains, need to be protected from that guy.


I resemble that remark :blush:. I want to say only one thing, Ed did finally make good with me and paid in full. It took him a long while, but he did in fact pay. Thought that should be made public.

Ed did not vouch to anyone about the cigars.

That's horse shit. If you organize a group buy, you should know your source. If you aren't sure they're real, you shouldn't be inviting people to participate.

Khari, the problem with that is that they knew they were real. Remember MPS defending the authenticity of the OR Anejos?:

Posted 02 July 2009 - 11:37 PM
Some of them are stuck in the cello with no way of getting them out except to rip the cello and they have the same bands. They are beautiful. I have smoked 2 of them and they are stunning! There's no way in hell they are recent production. Happy smoking fellas!

So if they don't know what the hell they are doing they sure won't have any problem bringing others into the shitstorm. And how much credence should be lent to your opinion,MPS, when you pack up and leave after your buddies get banned? You essentially said "Piss on CP, I'm outta here." and now you make your return to defend this guy? At the very least he should carry a "buyer beware" tag with him the rest of the time he is out there.
Ed did not vouch to anyone about the cigars.

That's horse shit. If you organize a group buy, you should know your source. If you aren't sure they're real, you shouldn't be inviting people to participate.

Khari, the problem with that is that they knew they were real. Remember MPS defending the authenticity of the OR Anejos?:

Posted 02 July 2009 - 11:37 PM
Some of them are stuck in the cello with no way of getting them out except to rip the cello and they have the same bands. They are beautiful. I have smoked 2 of them and they are stunning! There's no way in hell they are recent production. Happy smoking fellas!

So if they don't know what the hell they are doing they sure won't have any problem bringing others into the shitstorm. And how much credence should be lent to your opinion,MPS, when you pack up and leave after your buddies get banned? You essentially said "Piss on CP, I'm outta here." and now you make your return to defend this guy? At the very least he should carry a "buyer beware" tag with him the rest of the time he is out there.

The last time you were active here was July, 2009, MPS?!? And now your return to posting is defending Ed?!? Sorry but I'm not buying what your selling.

Put Ed on the list. He belongs there in my opinion; at the minimum so others can be warned of his ignorance and lack of due diligence when it comes to trading and/or group buying.
Bash me all you want it causes me no worries. I got fooled. I wanted to think the cigars were real. I made a mistake. We all did. Ed made a mistake. Get over it. I came here to influence the decision makers of the Scumbag list since this is one of the threads that they will read to consider Ed's addition. This is not a CP issue alone rather a cigar board issue as a whole. If it was a CP issue I would not be here. I did not leave CP because my friends got banned. I left because Rod called me a backstabber because of critical things I wrote on another forum which was a mistake and immature. It is his site so I left. I am hoping cooler heads will prevail in this case. I am glad to see some are in support of keeping the list for serious offenders. Obviously there will always be overzealous individuals looking to throw stones. In my opinion he made a mistake and he payed dearly which is no reason to end up on the list. I have made many mistakes in my life. It seems many people here think they haven't or theirs are somehow better. All I ask from the list decision makers is that the integrity of the list remain for the real perpetrators intent on harming BOTL in the cigar community for their gain.
I had charged everything about Spivy to being a high flier, buck fever albeit stupid FOG wanna be.....


He pulled the highend MAW/PIF at another board. Granting a wish to Moki so that he can have his high-end wish fulfilled. This he did while making pitiful installments for his bad debts.

Therefore, I submit to the honorable keepers of the scumbag list....the glove fits.

As for MPS and Dulaney, I hope that they thoroughly enjoy the highend -rare cigars they have gotten from Ed during and since maybe since the Anejo OR debacle. Not having the same disposable income as you two is temporary but stupid is permanent.

Go ask....ahh never mind! :)


I had charged everything about Spivy to being a high flier, buck fever albeit stupid FOG wanna be.....


He pulled the highend MAW/PIF at another board. Granting a wish to Moki so that he can have his high-end wish fulfilled. This he did while making pitiful installments for his bad debts.

Therefore, I submit to the honorable keepers of the scumbag list....the glove fits.

As for MPS and Dulaney, I hope that they thoroughly enjoy the highend -rare cigars they have gotten from Ed during and since the Anejo OR debacle. Not having the same disposable income as you two is temporary but stupid is permanent.




All fixed Joe :p.
I had charged everything about Spivy to being a high flier, buck fever albeit stupid FOG wanna be.....


He pulled the highend MAW/PIF at another board. Granting a wish to Moki so that he can have his high-end wish fulfilled. This he did while making pitiful installments for his bad debts.

Therefore, I submit to the honorable keepers of the scumbag list....the glove fits.

As for MPS and Dulaney, I hope that they thoroughly enjoy the highend -rare cigars they have gotten from Ed during and since the Anejo OR debacle. Not having the same disposable income as you two is temporary but stupid is permanent.




All fixed Joe :p.

Bastid!!! Coffee went through my nose :D
Bash me all you want it causes me no worries. I got fooled. I wanted to think the cigars were real. I made a mistake. We all did. Ed made a mistake. Get over it. I came here to influence the decision makers of the Scumbag list since this is one of the threads that they will read to consider Ed's addition. This is not a CP issue alone rather a cigar board issue as a whole. If it was a CP issue I would not be here. I did not leave CP because my friends got banned. I left because Rod called me a backstabber because of critical things I wrote on another forum which was a mistake and immature. It is his site so I left. I am hoping cooler heads will prevail in this case. I am glad to see some are in support of keeping the list for serious offenders. Obviously there will always be overzealous individuals looking to throw stones. In my opinion he made a mistake and he payed dearly which is no reason to end up on the list. I have made many mistakes in my life. It seems many people here think they haven't or theirs are somehow better. All I ask from the list decision makers is that the integrity of the list remain for the real perpetrators intent on harming BOTL in the cigar community for their gain.

One thing you seem to be missing is that it's called the "Scumbag and Bad Trader List." While everyone may have been eventually been paid back their money, there's still the matter of him backing out of tkoepp's sale because he found something else he liked better. There is a;so the issue of him sending out a HU Sir Winston which turned out to be a Dominican HU Churchill.

Sorry, but I'm not buying it. For a guy who runs a blog with pictures of all these fancy cigars, you should at least know when the measurements aren't even right. I think he should be on the list.
Didn't I read somewhere that it took him a while to pay the money back, all the while making purchases?
One thing you seem to be missing is that it's called the "Scumbag and Bad Trader List." While everyone may have been eventually been paid back their money, there's still the matter of him backing out of tkoepp's sale because he found something else he liked better. There is a;so the issue of him sending out a HU Sir Winston which turned out to be a Dominican HU Churchill.

Sorry, but I'm not buying it. For a guy who runs a blog with pictures of all these fancy cigars, you should at least know when the measurements aren't even right. I think he should be on the list.

Amen! You don't need intent to be a bad trader....
Bash me all you want it causes me no worries. I got fooled. I wanted to think the cigars were real. I made a mistake. We all did. Ed made a mistake. Get over it. I came here to influence the decision makers of the Scumbag list since this is one of the threads that they will read to consider Ed's addition. This is not a CP issue alone rather a cigar board issue as a whole. If it was a CP issue I would not be here. I did not leave CP because my friends got banned. I left because Rod called me a backstabber because of critical things I wrote on another forum which was a mistake and immature. It is his site so I left. I am hoping cooler heads will prevail in this case. I am glad to see some are in support of keeping the list for serious offenders. Obviously there will always be overzealous individuals looking to throw stones. In my opinion he made a mistake and he payed dearly which is no reason to end up on the list. I have made many mistakes in my life. It seems many people here think they haven't or theirs are somehow better. All I ask from the list decision makers is that the integrity of the list remain for the real perpetrators intent on harming BOTL in the cigar community for their gain.

Robbie I tried explaining all of this to you last night in a calm reasoned manner and you immediately bashed me as an overzealous CPer that just doesn't get it. Now you come here asking for cooler heads to prevail.. It's time for you to seriously look in the mirror and start practicing what you preach. The fact that others disagree with you doesn't mean they are wrong it means they have another point of view which I also tried explaining to you.

I think your entire post is a joke and hypocritical seeing the way you react to reasoned disagreements. Just my $.02 which I'm sure you'll ignore.
I had charged everything about Spivy to being a high flier, buck fever albeit stupid FOG wanna be.....


He pulled the highend MAW/PIF at another board. Granting a wish to Moki so that he can have his high-end wish fulfilled. This he did while making pitiful installments for his bad debts.

Therefore, I submit to the honorable keepers of the scumbag list....the glove fits.

As for MPS and Dulaney, I hope that they thoroughly enjoy the highend -rare cigars they have gotten from Ed during and since the Anejo OR debacle. Not having the same disposable income as you two is temporary but stupid is permanent.

Go ask....ahh never mind! :)



So the record is clear, Ed's granting of Moki's wish was denied on that forum as Ed hadn't made good on the GB gone bad. He never made a wish and never granted any either.