Scotch Buy Update

AVB said:
It is the Indian and Chinese that are creating the shortage. Even a small jump in the percent of their middle class is a huge amount of people and they are buying scotch cuasing prices to go up and some things to be in shorter supply. It doesn't look like that will change anytime soon either.
Thanks for doing this for as long as you did.
Do you think this will have any impact on scotch sold here in the US? I had a local B&M tell me they were having problems getting scotch this year. 
The same can be said for good ole' American Bourbon.
Thanks Ray! I was hoping this was going to be the list because I gifted my other bottles.

I'll have to see what is available while I'm here.
Sorry to hear this. Thank you for all of the hard work in keeping folks supplied, Ray.
Only got in on one buy, but the two bottles I got from that are two that i have cherished. Thank you for your hard work and helping scotch n00bs like me out. I also made your blue cheese stuffed mushrooms for the 4th time this past weekend for my birthday part. As usual, they were the first to go and I have been convinced to modify the recipe to include the left over crawfish and to stuff them into jalapenos rather than mushrooms. Yummmm....
AVB said:
It is the Indian and Chinese that are creating the shortage. Even a small jump in the percent of their middle class is a huge amount of people and they are buying scotch cuasing prices to go up and some things to be in shorter supply. It doesn't look like that will change anytime soon either.
Thanks for doing this for as long as you did.
Do you think this will have any impact on scotch sold here in the US? I had a local B&M tell me they were having problems getting scotch this year. 
So this is a result of increased demand??  I was under the assumption it was due to governments cracking down, or something usual like that. 
I am glad I was able to participate and thanks for letting me AVB; I was able to try some good stuff!  I am especially happy I was able to get in on the Japan support Scotch buy.  That is a bottle that will be kept unopened for a while.  Thanks again for all you have done!
Ray thank you again for putting them together, i got to expand my horizon with your group buys and now when i go to the liquor store i buy a different scotch each time just so i can one day have tasted as many as you have (never gonna happen). It was fun while it lasted.