Satellite Radio

You can't compare, they weren't head to head.

threei said:
AVB said:
Lastly, Opie & Anthony aren't anything if they couldn't steal from Howard. High School kids against an NFL All Pro IMO.
I guess that's why Howard fell behind them in ratings for NYC before they were fired.
Rod said:
I bought XMSR a few years ago for $3 something. Sold it last year for $24. :)

Okay, I gotta start hanging out with YOU when it comes to buying stocks :D
Well IF, it doesn't really matter which service you go with and all you want is one or the other, then go with Sirus - Radio Shack has a ig sale on them right now. Not sure what deals XM has got going but check it out.

Personally I perfer Sirus over XM but I don't "have" either, I just have more access to Sirus and like their programming LOL.

I have had XM since it first came out and absolutly love it despite still using my first generation reciever with it. Squiz is the best channel even if the name is lame. Bone yard, 20 on 20, and the 80's channel are all good as well. I think XM is all commercial free as well now, at least the channels I listen to are.
Just got my Sirius Day after thanksgiving, I love it. I got the JVC reciever for 48.00 and the car kit for 28.00, it was a great sale, dayafter they went back to 100.00. Watch for those sales!

I got mine at a place called "Brandsmart". I think they aqre only in Georgia and florida.

Thanks for the education...BTW , it is for me, not for my wife. The wife is asking which one I want :D isn't that a beautiful thing :love: .

I think I'll look at XM first. Sounds a lot like the Dish vs DirecTV debate.....either one is better than analog......and I wouldn't buy stock in either... :cool:

coventrycat86 said:
Oh just one more thing, for those of you who are impressed with SIRI's one-year chart ($2 to $8), take a look at a two year chart for XMSR ;) ($3 to $37)

i've owned XM since 6...that was when i first got it for the car. both will survive as the FCC will not be granting any further liscences til late 2007. sirius has gone kinds overboard on the spending, but i think the howard stern deal will prove to be huge for them.

i for one love howard and will probably be changing my service to sirius because of it.

nfl was a bomb...sirius paid too much and who the hell cares? look for both to be adding more proprietary programming soon...bottom'll be happy with whoever you go with.

I got in the SIRI stock about two weeks ago at $5.33. As far as the stock price difference goes one could be undervalued (hoping) or one could be overvalued. Not sure how much float is out there right now between both companies. I think long term its 6 one way half dozen the other. Stern is huge. Look at the money they sent for him and getting Mel Karmazine (sp) Sirius is dumping millions upon millions into their set up. They aren't going anywhere soon or is XM. Your analogy using DirectTV vs. Dish Network is right on. You can figure on two major players for years to come.

So with all that------

Flip a coin and then go enjoy a cigar.
Last year we sold XM 10-1 over Sirius, this year it's 10-1 Sirius. I like the music channels on Sirius, better than XM. I have Sirius and am getting the MiFi from XM(I get a freebie with a 6 month subrsciption requirement) too. Either way, DSR rocks!

BTW, Opie and Anthony, cost an extra $2 per month on XM.

I guess it is too late for .5Monte, Christmas is over, but for others in the market, I want to share this anecdotal information. One of my customers, a market analyst, told me that he does not see any way how Sirius could ever survive. They are ways away from breaking even, and the new deal with Stern requires them to make incredibly more new subscribers to just break even then. Their growth rate is far below requirements.

Investing in their stock is something else, just keep an eye on them. Buying hardware may not be a good idea long term.

BTW, XM is commercial-free as well. And I am not affiliated with either (but sell both with Audi).

just my .02
My wife got me XM (the Delphi unit) for Christmas! :D

Of course I installed it and had it activated yesterday. I haven't read through the whole manual yet but so far it works great! No SEC for the college sports stations but I still get the bowl games and I can just listen to my Gators on AM until the SEC signs with plans for that, just wishful thinking. I won't blather on about features or how it works but if anyone has any questions I'd be happy to talk more about my new toy :D
Oh, I also got the home kit so I can use the unit with my home stereo too :D :D

I will mention one neat feature: The car kit comes with a FM transmitter so your car stereo can pick up the signal from the unit as a FM station. The transmitter has about a 100' range (as far as I can tell so far). This means any stereo within that range can pick up the signal from the sattelite unit by tunning to the same FM frequency. This is nice because if you're going on a trip with more than one vehicle, one unit can transmit to multiple vehicles (of course only one XM station could be heard at a time). I've been told that the new portable XM by Delphi has an even greater range and that you could listen to it with your home stereo without the home kit as long as the unit is within a couple hundred feet.

I belive the unit bundled with the car kit is around $150. Activation was $9.99 and the service is a little cheaper than Sirius at $9.99 per month (Sirius is $12.99). The home kit is another $70.

I guess I ended up blathering a bit after all. Oh well you enjoyed it...admit it :p
emodx said:
Schweet, when can I come over and see it? I'll bring the smokes.


Whenever you're in town again :D

Of course I'm out of town until the 1st.
i have sirius and LOVE IT! i use it at work and in car and boombox at camp (hunting). BEst thing about sirius is NFL , NBA and NCAA football live (baseball too i think)!!!!

XM has nascar and golf :)

I got sirous and listen to sports OFTEN and love the notify on your favorite teams. It runs the scores on a ticker of your teams and tells you when a game starts on another channel.

plus at work you get the sirius internet stream of the channels FREE (xm charges you) so if your a subscriber you can listen to your commercial free radio via the internet website on any computer
XM has added MLB to the sports lineup for '05. I have a Roady 2 and I think it's a great little unit. I'm looking at getitng the Cambridge Soundworks boombox this spring. I've seen it as low as $159 alrady and I hope to catch it on sale.

Both reported their year-end subscriber bas and Sirius didn't pick up any ground with XM at 3.1 million and Sirius at 1 mil.

I will say that XM seems to have better hardware coming out. The Canbridge box is far better than anything Sirius has available and the new Polk tuner is the first of its kind for the home stereo. Whatever you go for, it's worth buying newer equipment instead of the discounted older stuff to get the newest CoDecs for the best sound.
Sirus has NRA radio. Not sure who has the most talk radio shows.
If I'm not mistaken the only sports programing that Sirius has over XM is the NFL and hockey. They seem to have NCAA football split down the middle (Depends on which conference you want).

Their respective websites list the channels and programing they offer.