PuroEsq The Member Formerly Known as "JAEwing" Joined May 17, 2005 Messages 1,753 Aug 28, 2005 #41 HAPPY BIRTHDAY :thumbs:
SamClemmons eloquent absurdity Joined Dec 6, 2001 Messages 2,923 Aug 28, 2005 #43 Thanks folks. Had a satisfactory day yesterday. Are you waiting for me to say something clever? Maybe later. NA
Thanks folks. Had a satisfactory day yesterday. Are you waiting for me to say something clever? Maybe later. NA
Shadow That's DON Shadow to you! Joined Jan 5, 2001 Messages 4,044 Aug 28, 2005 #44 Happy belated B-Day brother Neal!
NorCalCigarLover The Wine Guy Joined Dec 27, 2004 Messages 5,898 Aug 29, 2005 #45 Awwwwww...... I missed it? Oh well, happy belated Neal. I'll open a good bottle of Chard tonight in your honor.
Awwwwww...... I missed it? Oh well, happy belated Neal. I'll open a good bottle of Chard tonight in your honor.
Rob_k If it ain't Scottish...it's crap! Joined Mar 15, 2005 Messages 3,352 Aug 29, 2005 #46 Belated Happy birthday Neal, may you have many more. Hope you enjoyed it!
bfreebern Yada, Yada, Yada. Joined Jun 22, 2004 Messages 18,288 Aug 29, 2005 #47 Happy belated Bday SC!
M macms Cloaca Maxima Joined Aug 6, 2005 Messages 137 Aug 29, 2005 #48 Yeah, I'm late... here's my gift such as it is. Reminded me of you. "Some people have a large circle of friends while others have only friends that they like ." ANONYMOUS Happy...
Yeah, I'm late... here's my gift such as it is. Reminded me of you. "Some people have a large circle of friends while others have only friends that they like ." ANONYMOUS Happy...
preembargo Sleeping not so peacefully Joined Feb 27, 2005 Messages 2,686 Aug 30, 2005 #49 What!?!? Neal had a birthday and I missed it? So sorry, Happy belated birthday Neal. BTW Neal, I've been meaning to ask, What color did you guys end up painting the ark?
What!?!? Neal had a birthday and I missed it? So sorry, Happy belated birthday Neal. BTW Neal, I've been meaning to ask, What color did you guys end up painting the ark?