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Sales Tax Increase for online orders ?


Fire One Up
Jun 19, 2023
Missouri sales tax for online purchases is 4.225%, and that's been the norm until yesterday, when Cigar Page added 7.8% sales tax, instead.

Of course, I called and asked, and they said that they didn't know - but that they would get back to me.

Must be very recent because I ordered from Cigar Page on July 1st, and it was still 4.225%.

I ordered from Cigars International and also from Amazon this morning and it's still 4.225%.

i dunno.jpg
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I checked with the Missouri Department of Revenue - and they say that nothing has changed, and that it's still 4.225% sales tax for internet sales. I wonder where this extra tax is coming from.

The Cigar Page orders are shipped from Pennsylvania. Possibly an added tax from the State of Pennsylvania ? Or maybe an error hopefully.
I just ordered from them on 7/7 and they only charged me the KS state sales tax of 7.50%
OK, so today - July 9th - I just placed an order from them and it went back to 4.225%.

I'm thinking that someone fat fingered a database table update.

We'll see.