got back in town today and guess what was waiting on me?!a money order from you know whoit arrived yesterday. Once again, thanks to everyone for the support. and thank you too rick
Errr trying and whipper snappers, no disrespect intended.Although his tactics are sometimes over the top, I appreciate his efforts in tying to protect the English language. Which by the way needs protection from young wiper snapers like you who have no respect for what has gone on before you.
Well, I guess I should avoid drinking and typing. :whistling:
I hope this isn't off topic, I was just hoping to understand better so one day I can more efficiently sell/trade. Is p@yp@l not used often here? Payment is at most 3 days if someone is using a new checking account.
Glad to see everything worked out in the end...
I just LOVE a happily-ever-after...
Rickey, you did the right thing and thats the first step to redemption. You are going to have to ship first quite a few times to repair the damage to your name.
"Wiper snapper" is actually correct english usage. It is the incredibly talented bully who can both snap you in the ass with a towel in the locker room while at the same time using it to wipe your ass. Quite impressive, actually.
Edit, OH, a wiper SNAPER, I have no idea what that is.
covent., u shouldn't b sooo sensitive
I hope this isn't off topic, I was just hoping to understand better so one day I can more efficiently sell/trade. Is paypal not used often here? Payment is at most 3 days if someone is using a new checking account.
Glad to see everything worked out in the end...
It's against PayPal rules to use their services to purchase tobacco. If you use your PayPal account for this and they find out, they'll suspend your account and tie up your money for quite some time.
I just LOVE a happily-ever-after...
Rickey, you did the right thing and thats the first step to redemption. You are going to have to ship first quite a few times to repair the damage to your name.
Bro, you are much too forgiving. Considering his habitual nature of poor performance when it comes to meeting his end of a deal, I wouldn't deal with him no matter how many times he sent his end first.
He burned up a lot of good will already. To much to be able to atone for his actions. If he has to be outted before he responds and sends his end of the deal, his character if he has any, is in question. His morals certainly could use some work. :angry:
And I'm the biggest Friend that a Newbie can have. Then a Newbie that acts like this comes along and gives Newbies as a whole a black eye.
Nah, he only gives himself a black eye. I look at it similar to how I handle my wife's cockatoo. I enjoy handling the bird, but I do so cautiously. I always keep a bird launch posture, just in case he gets the wrong idea. His flight feathers are cut, but he can still travel 20 feet or so without bouncing off anything - except the wall, perhaps. Technically, he has opportunity to chomp a finger, but so far, I'm faster. As a backup for the event he makes contact, he gets a flight lesson (it has happend). This lad paid up in the end and could be a productive brother, but he'll be producing first on any buy/trade for quite a while.
Nah, he only gives himself a black eye. I look at it similar to how I handle my wife's cockatoo. I enjoy handling the bird, but I do so cautiously. I always keep a bird launch posture, just in case he gets the wrong idea. His flight feathers are cut, but he can still travel 20 feet or so without bouncing off anything - except the wall, perhaps. Technically, he has opportunity to chomp a finger, but so far, I'm faster. As a backup for the event he makes contact, he gets a flight lesson (it has happend). This lad paid up in the end and could be a productive brother, but he'll be producing first on any buy/trade for quite a while.
Err, are you saying "a bird in hand is worth two in the bush" OR, "don't let the bird out of the cage" OR, "lick your finger to the bone" OR, he must also sort out his cock a too. :laugh: :laugh: