Saint Louis Rey ?


New Member
Nov 14, 2004
Im thinking about picking up A box of serie A, It will be my first Isom but hey you gotta start somewhere. What do you think of them?
Saint Luis Rey

Absolutely my favorite Brand AND my favorite size :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
Absolutely my favorite Brand AND my favorite size :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
There are some WEIRD things going on with CP today............

I edited my original post to add in the "Saint LUIS Rey", hit the "edit" button and it inserted it BEFORE the original one as a separate post with a time that was one minute before the original post :0

The CP time machine must be in effect.
Lay off the sauce,'s a little early don't you think? :laugh:
Well, ya got me as to how this would happen ???

I think Rod has some Gremlins in the server ;)
Mephiston said:
Im thinking about picking up A box of serie A, It will be my first Isom but hey you gotta start somewhere. What do you think of them?

Odd choice for a first box, they have a very distinct flavor profile. You would probably be better off with a sampler.
threei said:
Mephiston said:
Im thinking about picking up A box of serie A, It will be my first Isom but hey you gotta start somewhere. What do you think of them?

Odd choice for a first box, they have a very distinct flavor profile. You would probably be better off with a sampler.

:D I disagree, I'd say his choice shows a fine understanding of Havanas :D
(Of course since these are my favorite :) )

Seriously, I have seen other people on other boards recommend SLR's (PC's or Regios) to people looking for a recommendation for their first box-o-Havanas.

With SLR's either people love 'em or hate 'em so threei makes a good point, for a first box, I might recommend RA (either RASS, RASCC or RAPC) or SC (El Principe or La Fuerza) BUT that's me.

Hey memphiston, if you do indeed get a box of those and you find that after smoking a few that you hate them, I will GLADLY purchase the balance from you. I can never get enough of these ;)
oops...Luis. Well I'm willing to try them, so If I hate them I'll be pm'ing ya.
Mrs. crabtree. hmmm do you know any Crabtree's in Northern Indiana?
The partaga Presidente is another that cought my eye. Esp since I like many of there sticks already.

Spelling Im sure if off. It always is, not that I cant spell Im just lazy.
Lusitania's, 898 varnished, and the PC's/TPC's are all my favorite Partagas. :p

I have had the Presidente and while it tastes like the Partagas, there are better in the line. Hope that helps.
Mephiston said:
What should I expect for the Serie A? Are they like anything in the states?

Nope. SLR's have a unique flavor all to themselves. I don't know how to describe it other than an "SLR flavor" Here's what MRN says:
Saint Luis Rey cigars have a unique unmistakable "Saint Luis Rey" aroma which suggests that the cigars are made from tobacco from a unique area. "Bean flavours" (cocoa, coffee, vanilla) and subtle honey sweetness are also present, to a different degree in different models. A hint of grass aroma and very subtle saltiness is also present.

The "bean flavours" seem to be most pronounced in Serie A, and "the honey sweetness" in Lonsdale.

I've never had the Lonsdales or the PC's but I've smoked the Regios, DC's, Serie A, Churchills and Coronas. To me they all taste pretty much the same. I must not be enough of an aficionado to distinguish beans and honey in cigars :rolleyes: but all I know is I LOVE :love: this brand. :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
Just finished my first Serie A, thanks to a kind gent here for hooking me up. I haven't smoked many isoms but this one was outstanding! My taste buds don't talk to my couple few brain cells very well but I was able to slightly notice the "bean flavors" and it was delicious! I'm thinking a big box purchase coming up! Hope my recently received Magnum 46's are as tasty!
The Mag 46's and the Serie A are the same vitola Corona Gorda which is fast becoming my favorite vitola ;) Other brands that are this vitola are:
Cohiba Siglo IV
Rafael Gonzales Coronas Extra
Punch Punch
Punch Super Selection #2
Punch Black Prince
Punch Royal Selection #11
HdM Epicure No. 1
H. Upmann Super Coronas
El Rey del Mundo Gran Corona

My favorites are in this order:
SLR Serie A
Punch Punch
Rafael Gonzales Coronas Extra
H. Upmann Magnum 46
H. Upmann Super Coronas

but heck, I'll take ANYONE of them any time :D
Just finished my first Mag 46. After smoking 1 of each, I'm giving a slight edge to the Serie A. The SLR A seemed a bit smoother and had a slightly easier draw. The Mag had more of a chocolate flavor while the A was more nutty bean flavor, I guess. I'm not very experienced in putting words to my taste buds but both were very enjoyable. The smoother taste of the A may be attributed to the age which was 5-03 compared to the 46 being 6-04, not sure. I agree with CC about the size (Corona Gorda) being perfect IMHO. Next up is a Punch Punch 6-04 and a RG Coronas Extra 5-01. It's going to hard to pick a favorite just smoking one of each, I guess a box of each wouldn't be a bad thing just to make sure :D

but heck, I'll take ANYONE of them any time

BTW ANYONE should be ANY ONE ;)
BTW ANYONE should be ANY ONE wink.gif

LMAO, yes it should :laugh: Anyone want a Sancho Panza Sanchos ???

I guess a box of each wouldn't be a bad thing just to make sure

Now yer talkin' :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
And what ya don't like you can sell off as fivers ;)
LMK if you do have any leftovers from those boxes you're gonna buy 'cause I love 'em ALL :love: