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Revenge for my dog pass


Mar 2, 2001
My sweet eleven year old yellow lab was hit by a pair of daisy cutters launched by those evil southern boys the Worm and Shadow, if any of you have been following the thread under " Worm meat" you know what I am talking about.
So here is my idea, I will start a pass here in Portland that will end on the Worms door step ( I have something else planned for Shadow).
This pass will be high end stuff, thereby giving it more bang for the buck, so to speak.
Sorry but none of you Southern boys are invited as I don't know which of you I can trust, because of the nature of this pass I will limit it to experienced passers.
Here is your chance men to join the Alliance in it's fight against the evil empire of the Worm. :cool:
No southern boys? Why you low-down high-smellin yellow-bellied yankee, 'The South Shall Rise Again'!
SOn of a ......This should be outlawed...and I am urging everyone NOT to join in!!! Vern...I've been so busy with work, you beat me to this idea!!! Although, it's not taboo to start one of my own to end up on your doorstep!!!! :p :0 :sign: And I'll take anyone!!!
I say, I say gentlemen of the South we are being snubbed by Vern (his great great-grandaddy was probably one of those damned Yankee carpetbaggers)! :p
Vern, my friend, I would love to join your pass.  The last time I looked, Texas was above the Mason-Dixon line.  I just know that I qualify.  LOL.

Bob :
You are very welcome brother, It is high time them uppity Sourthern boys got another spanking. I don't think they remember that the south lost once and they haven't learned their lesson yet.
Of course mostly I am doing this because I feel that it is what my poor dog would wish. :cool:
WHAT? No Southern Boys? Why thats lower then the belly of a worm...... I mean snake! :cool:

Commander Worm, we must assemble the troups. Does this Yankee boy know that he just stepped on the graves of our Great Grandfathers? :0 :lookup: This one will get interesting ;)
Gads, what a bunch of whiners. :cool: ( actually I am glad that none of them live any closer cause I have a feeling they would come over and kick my Yankee a$$.)
Sorry bro, duty calls elsewhere, so I am afraid I cannot help you on this one. And from what I can see, you might need it.... ???

Better call all the troops in........ :D
Permission to rejoin sir?
It seems as the battle lines have been drawn.
:0 :0 :lookup: :sign:

I see some traitors and some "traders" in this group already...just remember who you're dealing with...one of you all too often to not get drilled by a blindsider!!! LMAO :p
Big Worm said:
:0  :0  :lookup:  :sign:

I see some traitors and some "traders" in this group already...just remember who you're dealing with...one of you all too often to not get drilled by a blindsider!!! LMAO :p
:0 OOhh A talking Worm.
Thats about right, talk talk talk..
I am now allied with my bretheren on the west coast. I shall stay that way till the end. You see I was convinced to shift to the worms camp momentarily. My actions where payed for by a unspeakable deed from the VERN. I say Unspeakable for a reason. Be concerned worm, Be very concerned. You may find out about that reason.
The next stike if triggered may be your last - we know we truly know.
Wecome back Mike, just remember you are still on probation.
Glad to have you on board Jeff. :cool:
I don't care how long it takes Worm, my dog will be avenged and we will wipe that silly grin off your face. :cool:
Yikes, I was thinking of joining this pass, but I don't want to make enemies. :)
No one is making enemies here, we are just organizing to get even with that dastardly Worm. :cool: