
First retrohale- eyes watering and sneezing uncontrolable. This is good?
First retrohale- eyes watering and sneezing uncontrolable. This is good?

Some sticks are better to retrohale (Chateau Fuente, Undercrown) for the first time than others (DPG/My Fathers, Padron). The sting on the nose just tends to be a little easier to handle.
I do it occasionally; depends on the cigar. However, not something I do regularly...
I do this occasionally but always seem to get the same flavors, pepper and spice. I was always told this was called "rolling", like rolling the smoke through the nose...
It is up to the indevidual. I do every for to five, Glen Case (owner of Kristoff) does every pull. Everyone does there own thing.
Not for me. My sinuses just can't handle it. I get a lot of nuances just by smoking. I really don't need the retro aspect.
"I've hear that the sting is indicative of the amount of ammonia present in the leaf."

I've heard that pretty any kind of smoke in your nostrils can sting, because it's smoke in your nostrils. A lot to do with amount and density of smoke. Ever had your eyes water working on a campfire?

At any rate, for those having trouble with exhaling through the nose, why not try inhaling through the nose to get more of your olfactory (smell) sensors involved.

In the past, it was known as the "French Curl" - you get a mouthful of smoke, then let it drift out over your upper lip and sniff it in. IMO, easier to control the volume of smoke than on the exhale

As noted above our taste buds are thought to be very basic detectors. It is olfactory senses that detect various "flavors".
I have yet to discern any real subtleties while retrohaling. It all seems to smell the same. Maybe I broke something.

That's what you get for playing hockey without your mask on. :laugh: :0

Since I have a twice broken nose, whenever I do retrohale, it's purely by coincidence. I need all the air I can get from my nose just to stay alive. :p
I've found to just take a nice, subtle drag on the cigar to try and pick up any different flavors.
I have never really retrohaled before as I am what some would call a mouth breather. I have the worst sinus passages you can imagine. It is physically impossible for me to breath thru my nose. I have really bad alergies but gave this retrohal a shot because of what I read in the other thread and I just think its out of the cards for me. And man did it burn!

Maybe with a little practice it will get better. I have very good taste buds in my mouth and sense of smell is all there just extremely hard to breath thru the nose. Next few cigars I will give it more tries and see what happens.
I just had work done on my deviated septum to straighten it out. Not only was my septum at almost a 90 degree angle, but I too had horrible sinus issues that were fixed during surgery. Before the surgery, it seemed like I couldn't even get smoke out of my nose. Since having the surgery, I can now easily retrohale and am picking up flavors I hadn't been able to pick up in a cigar!
I had an Illusione CG:4 today on a long drive. At first, I was disappointed compared to my memory of past CG:4's. Then I started retrohaling it, and it became sublime, a truly different smoking experience.
"I've hear that the sting is indicative of the amount of ammonia present in the leaf."

I've heard that pretty any kind of smoke in your nostrils can sting, because it's smoke in your nostrils. A lot to do with amount and density of smoke. Ever had your eyes water working on a campfire?

At any rate, for those having trouble with exhaling through the nose, why not try inhaling through the nose to get more of your olfactory (smell) sensors involved.

In the past, it was known as the "French Curl" - you get a mouthful of smoke, then let it drift out over your upper lip and sniff it in. IMO, easier to control the volume of smoke than on the exhale

As noted above our taste buds are thought to be very basic detectors. It is olfactory senses that detect various "flavors".

Problem with the French Curl is that the nose inhalation is to the lungs, which you want to avoid. For me the exhale is plenty strong, the flavors seem to develop about 3-5 seconds after I'm already done with the exhale.
Always. Much more flavor for me. In fact, if I do it slowly, letting the smoke linger, it is much more profound. When I watch a video review, and the smoker draws and immediately puffs out the whole mouthful of smoke, even so far as fully opening their mouth, I think how in the hell can he possibly taste what the blender developed?
...I do it slowly...When I watch a video. [T]he whole mouthful...even so far as fully opening their mouth, I think how in the hell can he possibly taste... what the...?

Nicely said, Dan. Retrohale is a good thing.
I have never really retrohaled before as I am what some would call a mouth breather. I have the worst sinus passages you can imagine. It is physically impossible for me to breath thru my nose. I have really bad alergies but gave this retrohal a shot because of what I read in the other thread and I just think its out of the cards for me. And man did it burn!

Maybe with a little practice it will get better. I have very good taste buds in my mouth and sense of smell is all there just extremely hard to breath thru the nose. Next few cigars I will give it more tries and see what happens.
I just had work done on my deviated septum to straighten it out. Not only was my septum at almost a 90 degree angle, but I too had horrible sinus issues that were fixed during surgery. Before the surgery, it seemed like I couldn't even get smoke out of my nose. Since having the surgery, I can now easily retrohale and am picking up flavors I hadn't been able to pick up in a cigar!

After reading this, I'm deciding to have the surgery at the end of September to cut away some of the "fins" (that's how my Doc explains it in layman's terms to me) in my nostril. He says after that, I won't need to sleep with Breathe Rite strips and it'll be like a freeway up there. If I end up with black eyes I'm telling everyone my wife cracks me during sex. :whistling: :laugh:

Won't be able to smoke for a little while, so I'm gonna live vicariously through all you fuggers! Until then, I'm lighting up my best!

I have never really retrohaled before as I am what some would call a mouth breather. I have the worst sinus passages you can imagine. It is physically impossible for me to breath thru my nose. I have really bad alergies but gave this retrohal a shot because of what I read in the other thread and I just think its out of the cards for me. And man did it burn!

Maybe with a little practice it will get better. I have very good taste buds in my mouth and sense of smell is all there just extremely hard to breath thru the nose. Next few cigars I will give it more tries and see what happens.
I just had work done on my deviated septum to straighten it out. Not only was my septum at almost a 90 degree angle, but I too had horrible sinus issues that were fixed during surgery. Before the surgery, it seemed like I couldn't even get smoke out of my nose. Since having the surgery, I can now easily retrohale and am picking up flavors I hadn't been able to pick up in a cigar!

After reading this, I'm deciding to have the surgery at the end of September to cut away some of the "fins" (that's how my Doc explains it in layman's terms to me) in my nostril. He says after that, I won't need to sleep with Breathe Rite strips and it'll be like a freeway up there. If I end up with black eyes I'm telling everyone my wife cracks me during sex. :whistling: :laugh:

Won't be able to smoke for a little while, so I'm gonna live vicariously through all you fuggers! Until then, I'm lighting up my best!


Good luck I have been considering it more and more Please let me know how you make out!
I'll post my results when the packing is pulled and I can take my first sniff of fresh air. :)
I just had a the conversation with the misses yesturday and I will making an appointment this week to get the process started!
Misery loves company, Paul! :laugh: Up until this point, my Doc had me using Zetonna (nasal spray) every night to reduce inflammation in my nose overnight. With Breathe Rite strips and my apnea machine on, this has been my way of sleeping normally. ???

He said it's not as sore as when I did my apnea surgery ( UP3) so I'm game for this procedure.

Sorry Kann for the threadjack.