Hey some familiar names...
My dungeon isn't escape
proof, but it does seem to capture me from time to time :0 (sorry about that.......) And my last year has been, UGLY to say the least................... 'NUFF SAID.
I actually posted this question on another forum that I have lurked on for a while, but finally registered and posted, actually I got called a newbie and was graciously explained the differences between humidifying methods, techniques and mediums........ LOL. (crystals, foam, beads, 50/50 mix... hahaha) Hell, no body know who the heck I am over here anymore either! LOL.
I was just up at Tobacco Road a couple days ago and visited with Allen (not sure if that's how he spells it though). He was explaining to me how "off" these electronic things can be, so I grabbed a couple of Boveda packs and did a calibration of top portion of the unit (with the fans and electronics)... LUCKILY I actually had 2 of these Humi-Care XG1000's because I was supposed to set up 1 super large cabinet, which I
never did... SO: I checked them both.
One unit is about +12% off to the higher side even when turned all the way down, while the other one was SPOT ON. Needless to say MURPHY'S LAW: I was using the one that was OFF, and the accurate one was sitting in its box - I have since corrected that.
Now, I happen to have about 5+ pounds of KLH silica beads that are all 70% (Not that YOU would know anything about THAT!?!?!?), and figured SINCE I HAVE all those silica beads, why
not put them in the Hydra (humi-care) ? I didn't know if there would be ANY advantage to doing that...
Oddly enough, the BOTTOM half (with the foam) of one of my Humi-care's is GONE... The wife wanted to SHOOT ME when I asked her if she had any clue what might have happened to it :blush:
I actually did search :sign: but I couldn't find anything specifically about replacing the foam or element of a electronic device... All the threads were how to put the beads inside a credo of somekind - the velcro to the lid kind of credo's... I'm not saying its not up here, I'm saying I couldn't find it, but then again, I have a.d.d.
My last thread about this is +1 year ago, and honestly I've never worried to much about RH, Kenny and I agreed in the last thread - after a while, you just KNOW when your cigars are too dry by feel, smoke, touch, etc... And that's what sparked me, that and this INSANE heat wave we're suffering though in EARLY JUNE, feels like AUGUST ALREADY. Anyway, I clipped a cigar and it cracked the head, and that really pissed me off.... so I'm getting a little crazy about it again...
Honestly, its more keeping me busy than anything else

Right now I've got about a pound of Silica in the top half, and the Humi-care in the lower half... But in the spirit of experimenting - I just want to know.