My first box purchase was not that long ago. A few weeks ago, actually. As I'm quite new to the cigar world, I didn't yet (still don't to an extent) understand the intricacies of purchasing fine sticks. Namely, don't purchase a box of something you've never tried. I found CigarBid (oops..there goes all my extra money) and bid on a box of Erin go Bragh cigars. Irish whiskey infused? Yes please! Got outbid, bid again, etc etc. I'm sure some of you know the routine. Determined not to be outdone, I ended up spending $31 plus shipping on the box. Needless to say I'm not impressed at all. I learned a few things, though:
1. I now understand, first hand, the term "dog rocket"
2. Never purchase a box of something I haven't already tried and liked
3. CigarBid is EVIL!
4. I think I need another job just to support this new hobby
All things considered, though, the lessons I learned were worth every penny. Now I just have to deal with an almost full box of these iffy sticks. I'll probably be smoking these for the next couple years before they're all gone lol