At this point the division does not matter, as long as we win a slot everyone else is cooked! Since the All-Star break no one is even close in Wins, Runs scored, Homeruns, Batting average , hits....yada yada yada....enjoy the view as they Yankees kick-in a little bit of late seaon turbo and blow everyones doors off....especially since we have finally put a few of our old horses to pasture(sorry Moose you just ain't got it no more)....hope The RED SUXs have the good enough sense not too try and add flame to the fire by plunking yet another Yankee hero (that was so lame last night with A-Rod getting hit) with your sorry ass pitching..
Edit to add: I will be smoking some of the winnings from the previous series that the Yankees beat the Red Sux up in, whilst watching the Yankees tear them up!