This weekends purchases....
6 J.W.Lees Harvest Ale 1998
2 J.W.Lees Harvest Ale 1999
8 Thomas Hardy's Ale
6 Aventinus bottled in 2002
Now, once I get done drooling over them, I get to pack them and send them on to some fine Brothers!
This weekends purchases....
6 J.W.Lees Harvest Ale 1998
2 J.W.Lees Harvest Ale 1999
8 Thomas Hardy's Ale
6 Aventinus bottled in 2002
Now, once I get done drooling over them, I get to pack them and send them on to some fine Brothers!
This weekends purchases....
6 J.W.Lees Harvest Ale 1998
2 J.W.Lees Harvest Ale 1999
8 Thomas Hardy's Ale
6 Aventinus bottled in 2002
Now, once I get done drooling over them, I get to pack them and send them on to some fine Brothers!
Damn, dude...nice find! be able to buy by the bottle...I stopped by one of the little neighborhood shops I patronize and found out the beer guy I usually talk to had been fired. The manager said that he did "more collecting, than selling" which he didn't seem to happy about but I have no problem with. Anyway, he told me to look through some of the old boxes in the cooler to see if I wanted anything before he either through it out, or sold it. So I dug and found a few things, these included...
Both are from 2003 and from what I understand the Maverick was the initial release of what is actually the Yeti today. The Full Sail I know less about and from what I have read so far it is fairly rare.
My local had a clearance on their seasonal selection... here's what i scored...
I stopped by one of the little neighborhood shops I patronize and found out the beer guy I usually talk to had been fired. The manager said that he did "more collecting, than selling" which he didn't seem to happy about but I have no problem with. Anyway, he told me to look through some of the old boxes in the cooler to see if I wanted anything before he either through it out, or sold it. So I dug and found a few things, these included...
Both are from 2003 and from what I understand the Maverick was the initial release of what is actually the Yeti today. The Full Sail I know less about and from what I have read so far it is fairly rare.
I had to stock up for the SuperBowl this coming sunday... I paid a visit at BevMo's and look what I found:
I had to stock up for the SuperBowl this coming sunday... I paid a visit at BevMo's and look what I found:
Mmmmmmm 2008 Big Foot... It hasn't hit the shelves here yet but should soon.
I was thinking the same thing Jonas. I'm hoping that the talk of this year's release not being as good is not accurate.