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I only use a po box now. Our mail delivery sucked so much. Lots of stuff just didn't show up.
hudsonvalley said:
I only use a po box now. Our mail delivery sucked so much. Lots of stuff just didn't show up.
Plus a few people near me have had mail stolen from their mailboxes. :angry:
Drug addicts steal the mail looking for checks or Identity info. They love the credit card applications :angry:

wam79 said:
hudsonvalley said:
I only use a po box now.  Our mail delivery sucked so much.  Lots of stuff just didn't show up.
Plus a few people near me have had mail stolen from their mailboxes. :angry:
Drug addicts steal the mail looking for checks or Identity info. They love the credit card applications :angry:


I don;t have problems with the us mail, we have a locked box inside the locked vestibule, it is the lazy DHL people every time. UPS and FEDEX leave an attempted delivery tag, I call them to hold at the distribtion facility which is 5 miles from my house and I pick it up. The grounds are gated and you need a pass to drive in, so I know it wasn't an outsider (no, it is not a bad neighborhood actually). I have a good feeling who it is, and if i see the punk with a cigar, me and mr. 9 iron will pay his dumb ass a visit. To quote a friend of mine "I don;t give a f****n F***k, I am gonna bash some mongoloid heads!" I have an email into cbid, explaining my dilemma, and if i don;t get a response in an hour or so, i get on the horn...take care all
UPDATE: just received this email from T.J at cigarbid in regards to my problem:

I'm very sorry for the inconvenience. We are actually using DHL as our
shipping company at this time, and we have not updated our help page at
this time. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. I
will have to start a claim with DHL regarding this lost package. At
that point in time I can ship you out a no-cost replacement as soon as
we get a claim number from them. We will definitely take care of
getting you the cigars. That will not be a problem.
If you prefer Priority Mail for all of your future orders I can take
care of that for you as well. We do charge insurance automatically on
packages that are over $50.
I will start the claim for you right away.
Thanks for your patience.
Take care,

This proves to me they are genuinely customer oriented. If they didn;t allow me to use another shipper, i would have never ordered from them again. :D

edit for spelling
The cigars are smoking great!! Thanks for the gift!!


Had to be said....CBid is the devil!!!
I gotta call CBid..... I just won a 5er and would prefer Priority..... Glad to hear they're gonna take care of it for ya...
Rob_k said:
wam79 said:
hudsonvalley said:
I only use a po box now.  Our mail delivery sucked so much.  Lots of stuff just didn't show up.
Plus a few people near me have had mail stolen from their mailboxes. :angry:
Drug addicts steal the mail looking for checks or Identity info. They love the credit card applications :angry:


I don;t have problems with the us mail, we have a locked box inside the locked vestibule, it is the lazy DHL people every time. UPS and FEDEX leave an attempted delivery tag, I call them to hold at the distribtion facility which is 5 miles from my house and I pick it up. The grounds are gated and you need a pass to drive in, so I know it wasn't an outsider (no, it is not a bad neighborhood actually). I have a good feeling who it is, and if i see the punk with a cigar, me and mr. 9 iron will pay his dumb ass a visit. To quote a friend of mine "I don;t give a f****n F***k, I am gonna bash some mongoloid heads!" I have an email into cbid, explaining my dilemma, and if i don;t get a response in an hour or so, i get on the horn...take care all

You know Rob, it's guys like you that helped me make a decision to quit working for Fed Ex. I used to be a courier, but I got tired of all the bs. Fed Ex home delivery drivers are all independent contractors. They only get paid for delivered packages. They tipically have between 110 to 140 stops a day, and cant quit till their all attempted.

I never understood why someone in a gaited community would order things when they knew they wouldn't be home to get it. You say the driver was lazy,he may have been, but I say you should have just placed a note in the shipping instructions to "hold package at terminal" if this is what you normally do.

That driver probably took 20 minutes to get in to deliver your stuff, and now he's gonna have to pay for it for trying to get you your package and make his little $1.25, which is about all he gets for it. Now granted, if you have an office, he could have left you a note that it was left there, and saved you the trouble of going to the terminal, but some offices refuse to take these packages.

Sorry for the rant, but as a former driver, I can tell you that those GD apartments are a main reason that a lot of contractors quit. They just take up too much time. None of these drivers like to be working 14 hour days for the little bit of money they make. A driver could probably knock out 3 or 4 regular residences in the time it takes for one apartment/condo delivery (attempt).

Use a little courtesy next time, and put some kind of note on your order, and help them to help you! Believe me, they want you to get your package, they dont get paid any other way, and they dont like paying for claims.

And one other thing that might help all of you get your packages quicker....If you are having it delivered to a business....Include the name of the business on the address form. Ie.....Joe Smith C/O Acme Supply Co. It makes it so much easier for a guy driving in traffic to find a company sign rather than try to find an addy while backing up traffic with a big truck.

JV Former frustrated Fed Ex driver!
camaroon4me said:
You know Rob, it's guys like you that helped me make a decision to quit working for Fed Ex. I used to be a courier, but I got tired of all the bs...


JV Former frustrated Fed Ex driver!

John, thanks for a glimpse into the other side of the issue. I never knew any of that.

Still, it's a shame when you can't trust the folks living around you. :(

*warning: shameless plug coming*

Rob, ever thought about moving to Idaho? We don't have much of that BS here. Cost of living is low, crime is low, traffic is light. :whistling:
Rob, happy to see it's getting taken care of with minimal hassle. This goes right along with everything I've heard about the folks over at Cbid. Good people. :)
Hey, really sorry for rippin on Rob, Im sure he's a great guy. It is a shame that someone would take his package, specially when he is in a gated community, which I would agree would probably mean an "inside" job. It was always a tough call whether to leave a package or not. If I was in a good area, I would leave it with a note on the door, maybe behind a bush or something, or at the office.

Well, at least Cbid will come thru,they really do have the best customer service in the business, I have let them know this on many occasion.

thanks guys for the concerns, appreciated. what counts here is a company made good on an error, and to me thats a great show of integrity on cbids behalf. Camaroon, i see your points, and will now have my items shipped to my office. the sad part is, i cannot trust certain neighbors, guess that is part of life...
Yeah, that does suck that you cant trust your neighbors to leave things alone that dont belong to them! Good luck in the future, I hope you do find out who took them, they need to be taught a lesson.

Put a box of brownies laced with the strongest laxitive known to man on the porch, wait, and then when the paramedics arrive to take them to the hospital be the good neighbor and "lock up" for him, get your cigars first. :D

Sorry to hear about your loss
I will beat the hell out of the first fedex driver I see, Just for you!!!
Left @ the front door, yeah right He's burning one as we speak!!
cletus said:
I will beat the hell out of the first fedex driver I see, Just for you!!!
Left @ the front door, yeah right He's burning one as we speak!!

I Believe DHL rhymes with hell better then Fed Ex.... I did go to public skool though :D
Thats why I have everything shipped to my work. If I am not here to sign.. There is always someone in the office that can sign for me!
Seeing as I am never at home. I would hate it if I lost a package.. Especially the important ones from friends overseas!
Sorry to hear about the misplaced sticks. :( I also recommend taking the subject up with you're cc company. Might be surprised how fast you receive a replacement box. :thumbs:

Everyone needs to leave Joe's choice of relaxation alone. Just because some of us "older" members have discovered a legal way to "relax" doesn't mean you get to make fun of us. All praise the discovery of 7.5/500's ! ;)